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* excuse mistakes !! ENJOY 🤕

"So what the fuck you so upset for ?" Dice asked her .

"I don't know" Moe said turning away walking into the bedroom where dice followed .

"Whatchu mean you don't know . You gotta know some shit - yo ass mad because you anit pregnant" dice frowned at her .

Moe didn't know either why she was so upset and sad . She peed on the stick earlier . she really thought she was pregnant- she just knew she was - her gut told her she was .

She started reminiscing about how the best mom she'll be - how her child would get everything he wanted . Moe didn't want any girls so her mind went straight to how her and dice baby boy would look.

Are boy would be a heartbreaker - Moe giggled to herself imagining how handsome he would be . All that made her want to be pregnant even more . But when she saw it said negative - it made her feel a type of way ....

Moe turned facing towards dice . She looked up at him and then down . "I just really wanted to be" Moe sniffled .

Dice jerked his head back . "You tryna trap me"

"What the fuck - no I just for a spilt second imagined how everything would be if we did" Moe told him .

"So you tryna get pregnant" dice looked down at her still confused .

"NO DAMN ! Are you not listening to the words coming out my fucking mouth" Moe snapped .

"I'm listening - yo ass just not making sense . You tell me fuck kids you don't want em now yo sentimental ass in here upset and about to cry because yo ass wasn't fucking pregnant" dice semi yelled .

Moe looked up at him with the meanest mug . "FUCK YOU . Get the fuck out my way" Moe tried walking past him .

"Where the hell you going?" Dice asked .

"Out . Now move" Moe sternly said .

Dice didn't say anything else he just moved . Dice had to bite his tongue because he knew if he said what he wanted to say - Moe prolly would've been extra dramatic.

After about five seconds . Moe slammed the front door . Dice ran to the door .

"And DONT BE SLAMMING NO FUCKING DOORS ROUND THIS MOTHERFUCKER EITHER" he yelled down the hallway . Moe rolled her eyes and stuck up the Bird - as she walked .

ringgg ..... ringggg ... ringgg

Melody's phone started ringing . She reached over to get it but was brought back by a tight grip .

"Where you going" Drew whispered in her ear .

"To my phone" Melody replied in a raspy voice .

Drew let his grip go so Melody could get her ringing phone .

"Hello" Melody spoke .

"Whats up ? Where you" Moe asked .

Melody cleared her throat out and looked around Drew's bedroom . "I'm home - what's up"

"No yo ass is not - I just was over there only person that's home is roaria and tricee" Moe called Patrice by her nickname.

Melody rolled her eyes . "Polo wasn't there"

"Nope . And neither were you so where you at?" Moe asked . She already kinda knew where she was at , she was just hoping her girl wasn't that stupid over no dick .

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