well well well

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"Say you lying. Oh my motherfucking god" Moe exclaimed.

"Mmh yep , me and Drew are engaged" Melody hyped it up still showing off her nice rock . It was clean cut small diamond , that went well with her French tips .

"Wow" Moe said . Words couldn't form . Moe didn't know what to say . But it's Moe so she went with her first mind ......

"You dumb ass bitch . Why in the entire fuck did you say yes"

Melody frowned up her face .

"Oh Moria don't start . This is what I wanna do , I already heard enough from my mama and polo . I don't wanna hear it from you" Melody said snatching her hand down .

Moe did a sarcastic laugh . "Let me sit down cause bitch , I just know" Moe went to go sit down on the couch .

"Come on Moe it's not that bad . He loves me . Isn't that all that matters?"

"Fuck love when he been slanging his dick around everywhere and not only did he cheat . He fucked and got a baby . And you gonna stand and say sum bout love . This shit right here is" Moe touched her Forhead . "I'm - im flabbergasted"

Melody sucked her teeth and sat across from Moe . It was silence for a minute.

"I'm sorry for judging yo stupid ass . If Drew crazy ass make you happy . I say congratulations" Moe tried to make up for her outbreak .

"Hoe fuck you" Melody laughed . "But thanks . I know i might  get hella back lash about it . But fuck everybody this not they life . It's mines and this what I want to do"

"You damn right bestie . Bump these hoes that's gonna be calling you stupid because they is . They prolly going through worse."

"Exactly" Melody agreed .

Melody and Moe talked some more about New York and all that went down . Polo and roaria walked in .

That was Moe first time seeing roaria so big . She was 9months and due next week . Moe spoke to them and of course they spoke back . After a while Moe looked at her phone and noticed dice just texted her bout three minutes ago saying he was on the way to pick her up .

10 minutes later dice was saying he was outside . Moe said her goodbyes and invited them to thanksgiving tomorrow. They agreed to come .

"About time yo ass came . I been sitting out here forever" dice complained .

"Oh shut up . It wasn't even long" Moe said snapping her seat belt on .

"You told anybody?" dice asked .

"About what ? Us moving" Moe said .


"No , I didn't mention it to nobody . Ion want everyone knowing where we stay"

"Good they don't need too" dice said .

Before they got back in town . Dice talked to his cousins realtor . And sure enough him and Moe got a three bedroom condo . All the way at the top floor . So they are officially moved in together.

"How's your mom ?" Moe asked .

Dice looked ahead not saying anything . Instead he turned up the music not wanting to hear nor talk about his moms .

Moe didn't go off . She understood he prolly didn't want to speak on it . So instead of going off about him turning up the music she just leaned back and got on Instagram .
"Drew where are you" Melody finally was able to get in contact with Drew after calling him a couple times .

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