On go type shit !

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"So you telling me some person just dropped a random body off at your place" Detective Young asked Cody .

"That's what I said - I don't know who the body is . I woke up to a foul smell and walked into my living room and saw it there" Cody explained once more .

Detective young sighed loud while leaning up . "Okay mr. Williams . We have your statement thank you . Your free to leave"

"Was never hostage" Cody muttered . He got up and left out the investigation room . The smell of donuts and coffee filled his nostrils, loud commotion and movement was happening all around him .

He made his way to the front passing people sitting in the waiting area. Some older lady was there along with a younger dude who had a car seat that was decorated in pink and yellow flowers indicating he had a little girl .

Cody finally got outside and blew out some air . He looked around checking his surroundings. It was still 8 o clock in the morning , the cold front was slowly coming in - Cody rubbed his hands together a little trying to make a little heat . He then started making his way down the street .

3hours earlier . . .

"Who body you think it is?" Julez asked .

"I don't know but whoever body it is they sholl didn't like his ass" cash added .

There they were , dice , Drew, Julez , cash , Cody standing in Cody's condos living room . They had mask on to mask out the smell .

"They leave anything behind" Drew asked .

Cody shook his head no .

"I called that smart bitch cupcake , to come take pictures of this shit - to try to identify him or her" dice spoke with his face frowned . Like Cody thought . The scene was sickening.

"Excuse me" Becky cleared her voice . The boys turned expect Cody who was still starring at the body .

"Cody yo bitch want you" dice disrespectfully addressed her .

Becky rolled her eyes . "Can someone take me home . I'm ready to leave"

"Not it" everyone screamed out together. Drew said it too late .

"Drew take her ass home" cash laughed .

"hell Naw nigga do that shit again" Drew complained as he smacked his teeth .

"Dude just take her - stop whinning like a bitch" Cody told him with a smirk on his handsome face .

"Alright mane one more time one, two , three" Julez counted out .

"NOT IT" everyone screamed as fast as they could . Drew was still late .

Dice let out a laugh . "Nigga how we do the shit again and you still lost - sorry ass"

Everyone laughed agreeing with dice .

"C'mon on mane - if Mel find out I took some bitch home this time in the morning she gonna be pissed" Drew said grabbing his keys out his pocket . Becky walked behind him . Both of them left out the door leaving the rest of the boys clowning and laughing at Drew slow ass .

Soon as the door closed . "Nikki know bout that" cash asked .

"what Nikki got to do with it" Cody jerked his head over at his homeboy .

"Shit alright nigga" Julez chuckled.

"Alright enough bout them females - I know how we gotta play this" dice interfered.

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