What the -

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Chrissy got out the bath drenched since she didn't dry off yet . Her long hair was slicked back since she had white people hair . Chrissy was very bright skinned not white but you could tell one parent was white and the other black . She had okay facial features- she wasn't the prettiest that's why she could never understand how she got the most adorable son . He took after von of course .

She wiped the mirror off so she could look at herself . She stood naked staring at herself in the mirror and questioning herself as a person . How did it come to this?

Flashback ]]]

"He won't stop crying candance can you please help me" Chrissy begged her older sister . She didn't have a place so candance let her stay with her. Right now Bryan was only 3months and teething . He was hollering to the top of his mini lungs , you would think someone was abusing him the way he was screaming .

Candace looked over at Chrissy in disgust . "You had him - deal with him . Now go somewhere else with that" she shooed Chrissy off as she closed her bedroom door . The apartment wasn't so big it was only an 1 bedroom and candance didn't have the best of things everything was raggedy or looked used .

Chrissy let some tears escape her eyes . She put her coat on and put little Bryan in his car seat - he settled down a little but was still whiny . She grabbed his diaper bag and left out the dopey building that she called home .

She caught the first train , she didn't own a car so she thought maybe if she took him he'll calm down .

She sat down with the car seat right next to her facing her way . "Shhh" she quietly said as she rocked the car seat . Bryan finally started settling down and started dosing off to sleep .

As she sat there many people got on and got off she rode the train out all the way out till night fall since she dreaded going back to candance's apartment. She did this everyday it was her new routine since it kept her baby quiet and her away from her sisters place .

"Hi" a men called out . Chrissy looked up looking this lightskinned middle aged dude in his face . She gave a friendly smile back . "Hi" she spoke .

"I'm Carl" he said seating down next to her . "I'm Chrissy" she told him . He smiled back showing his amazing straight teeth .
]]]]]]]]]]] end of flashback ]]]]]]]]]]

"Chestnut" Chrissy called out softly as she stood at Bryan's door way . He was laying facing the wall in his car bed . She had his room decorated up nice . She was living in an 2 bedroom apartment now she had got it 2 weeks ago she didn't tell anyone not even Moe yet . Only person that knew was her clients and von he would come and go whenever .

"I'm sorry baby - mommy didn't mean for you to see that" she walked over sitting on the rim of the car bed . Chestnut sat up admiring his mommy . Out of nowhere he stood up and just gave her the biggest hug and buried his head on her torso . He couldn't reach so he tried to stand on his tippy toes .

"I won't let nobody hurt you mommy" he spoke in his toddler voice . Chrissy just chuckled trying not to cry .

"Nobody's going to hurt me - not you as my protector" she picked him up as she stood up from the bed .

"Now let's get some ice cream" she said hoping that'll cheer him up . "Yayyyy ice cream" he mini yelled .

"Let her go Moe that's your cousin!" Michelle said trying to pry Moe off of Toya . That was tarras big surprise she brung Toya back down not knowing what went down .

Evangeline just stood back watching the scene play out she knew what happened thanks to Monica running her mouth and she felt Toya got what was coming to her .

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