Oh shit (part 2)

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9:14Am .

It had been a whole day since Tyrone captured her . She was in what looked like a big mansion . The sunlight Beamed through the windows directly in Moes face . It was indeed a long night . Moe had bruises on her face not to bad but you could still see them clearly .

Tyrone had left out around 5 am , so now it was just Moe in some living room . Alone .

She was beyond mad , she wanted his head so bad , he captured her because she wouldn't date him or "love" him tyrone would say , but instead of being focus on that she tried everything in her power to get out the chair Tyrone had tied her up to ,but it seemed like the more she tried to get out the ropes the tighter they got . Everything still felt unreal . She couldn't believe she let someone play her and take advantage of her . Especially punk ass Tyrone .

Moe wanted to cry bad but she fought against she promised herself don't show any signs of weakness so instead she turned her fear into anger . All she had to do was get the ropes off her hands and it would've been over for his ass . She hoped maybe melody would notice she was gone and tell Drew or somebody . Her thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening . Since it was an old mansion everything creaked.

"I'm home baby" Tyrone yelled . He came in with a big brown bag that had food in it . He was dressed causal . A regular white shirt that had a money sign on it and some black shorts . He had some slides on. In Moes eyes he dressed as if he was on vacation and everything was great . Not like he had somebody against their will.

"I hope your hungry. And also happy birthday"

She looked at him in disgust . "Fuck you" Moe muttered . Her voice was gone from the screaming she was doing earlier that morning. She was cussing Tyrone out , making threats . He even put his hands on her again and again .

"Yeah later" he smirked . "But right now we are going to eat and enjoy your birthday, now what do you wanna do"

"Cut your dick off and send it to your mother" Moe spat . Tyrone laughed he knew how serious Moe was , that's why he kept her tied up . He was low key scared and a little skeptical but with some encouraging words he went through with the plan of capturing her anyways .

"That's why I love you Moe because of your sense of humor" he continued to laugh .

"You CRAZY FUCK LET ME OUT OF THIS CHAIR AND ILL SHOW YOU SOME TO LAUGH ABOUT" Moe yelled . But Tyrone payed her no mind he had to get breakfast prepared for the women he loved .

While he was in the kitchen Moe thought of something she had just seen off a movie she watched with melody .in order for this to work Moe had to sit up straight and put all her force in it . Which wasn't much seeing that she was little.

"1, 2,3" Moe counted slowly . She then picked up the chair with her body and slammed it down on the floor .

The slam caught tyrone attention, he grabbed his gun off the table and slowly walked to the living room where Moe was located....

"Maybe she with one of her friends" Julez spoke . Dice had called him since he knew Julez had a crush on Moe . He didn't understand why but aye that's not his business. They were now in Moes apartment trying to figure out where her ass was .

"Couldn't have she only hangs out with melody and ,it was blood on the floor and you see that water" dice pointed to the unfinished water bottle on the counter. "the top wasn't even put back on . And by the looks of this place she wouldn't do that, this place is too clean Dice said doing a 360 around the whole apartment to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"Damn nigga you got all that from a water bottle being out" Julez trialed off . "Maybe she's out you know it's her birthday" Julez said .

"It's her 18th birthday?" Dice questioned .

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