Lowdown shit .

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Next morning:

Dice slowly blinked his eyes opened. It was dark in the living room since the blinds were closed. It was a pinch of light coming from the flight screen , Netflix was asking "are you still watching" . Since they had fell asleep on the movie last night..

He looked down to notice Moe all up on him . They were in a cuddling position, she had her backside towards him while his front towards her. Her mouth was lightly gapped open. She had this frown on her face as if she was having a bad dream .

Instead of dice being all lovey dovey he pushed Moe , so her body landed on the floor hitting her Forhead . She groaned cause she was being awoken. It was like when Moe went to sleep she was literally dead to the world , and she when she was woken up she wanted to kill the world. She set up and stretched. She rubbed her eye for a good 10seconds getting her senses together.

While she was doing that, dice walked over her and went to the bathroom to take care of his hygiene. Instead of staying on the floor Moe went and flopped down in her bed while pulling the covers over her whole body including her face. She wasn't worried about dice in the bathroom, she had already seen Julez dick she really didn't want to see another.

Dice was in the bathroom for a good 50 minutes . He came out the bathroom with some gym shorts on and a black tank top . He sported this silver chain. His slimness looked good with his attire.

He looked over at Moes bed and saw she went back to sleep, he had already knew she wasn't a morning person, so she was about to be really mad when he tell her she had to get up .

Moe didn't wake up from just you calling her name or shaking her you really had to get under her skin. Which was A okay with dice he loved seeing her mad. He opened her blinds so now the bright ass sun was shining in , she couldn't really see the sun since the covers was over her face. Here came dice favorite part. He grabbed the end of her cover and dragged it off her .

She immediately grew irritated cause now her body was exposed and Moes apartment was cold as fuck . So she was cold and the sun was hitting her dead in her face. "What the fuck could you possibly want" she groaned while grabbing a pillow and placing it over her face.

Dice watched her, she had on these blue boxers and a black shirt. Her hair was in a messy high ponytail. Strands of her straightened hair were sticking out . Not in a bad looking way , it was cute. Her plum lips were dry since she had just woke up and eyes had little crust in them.

"Come on we got business to attend too" Dice replied. In the bathroom Cash had called him they needed for him, Julez, Moe to go to New York on business . They had to make a deal and Moe surprisingly was good a making good deals . More like finessing people , she was a good talker. She could make you feel like it was 50/50 but in reality it was 80/20 . Guess who the 80 was...

"I was supposed to go shopping with Melody today how I'm supposed to explain to her" Moe said making an excuse. No offense to her friend but she didn't really care if she miss what they planned all she wanted to do was sleep in today. Tomorrow she had school.

"Listen Moe I don't give a fuck , so all that shit you saying is going one ear out the other, so pack your bags and bring your bony ass" dice said walking out the room . "I'm finna go and get some clothes from my place when I get back your ass better be ready I'm not playing. I already broke your arm don't think I won't break the other one" with that dice left and locked the door.

Moe rolled her eyes. She got up and went to take a shower. She had to call her girl melody.

"Goodmorning" melody answered groggily she had just woken up from Moe calling her .

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