Bandages ~ Yamaguchi

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Yamaguchi PoV~

It took weeks of asking but finally! I get to have a reason for not changing infront of everyone at the end of practice. From now on, I'm the one who cleans up at the end of practice, well, me and Suga, but there's nothing that could go wrong with that right, I'll just clean up really slowly.

~that night after practice~

3rd Person PoV~

Yamaguchi had just finished showering in the club room after practice and walked out with just a towel wrapped around him. He was looking down as he walked to his locker to grab his things to change. Well, he was, until Suga stood up infront of him and coughed.

Yamaguchis head flew up in surprise, he hadn't expected anyone to still be there. He was about to yell at Suga to leave before he noticed what was in his hands. Bandages, long lengths of stretchy, scratchy white fabric.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Just give me the bandages and I'll leave the VolleyBall Club." He yelled reaching for the bandages, before Suga grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug, shocking Yamaguchi. A few moments went by and Yams began to break down crying in Sugas arms.

"Shh, Shh, your okay. Your okay......Yamaguchi, are you transgender?"

Yamaguchi just broke down, crying louder, sobbing into Sugas now soaking shirt.

"I'll take that as a yes. Your not going to have to leave. We wouldn't kick someone out just because they were born in the wrong body. But you can't wear bandages. They are going to hurt your body more. When did you first start wearing them?"

"..I-In s-second year of m-m-middle sc-school...."

"Three years?" Yams, it's a miracle you haven't broken a rib yet. Can I have a look at your chest to see how bad the bruising is?"

Yamaguchi slowly nodded as he stood and turned around, slowly lowering the towel from his back. Suga gasped, his back was covered in burns, bruises and cuts, the dried blood that Suga assumed had been there before, washed off by the water.

"Yams......can you turn around, please?"

Crying even more, Yamaguchi lowered to towel so it rested on his hips and turned, fully facing Suga. His chest was bright red, rubbed raw from the bandages, the burns worse around the base of his chest. Suga bought a hand to his own mouth to stop himself from crying out and yelling at Yamaguchi.

"I-Im taking these bandages. Put this on, then get dressed and come with me." Suga said whilst throwing a sports bra and a large hoodie that appeared to be Daichis, at Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchis face was covered in shock.

"H-How, W-Why do you have this?" Suga slowly turned and began to unbutton his shirt, showing his binder underneath.

"That's why I know you won't get kicked off the team. Now quickly put those on. I have a spare binder from when I was in first year at home."

Yamaguchi had tears in his eyes as he smiled for the first time since practice ended.

"Th-Thank you..."

"Hey, I'll always look out for my baby crows. There's no need to thank me..."

Word Count: 542

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