'Kaashi? Are You Okay?

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3rd Person PoV~

"Hey! Hey! He- Kaashi? Are you okay?" Bokuto yelled as he walked into Akaashis room. He'd been given a key and he wanted to surprise Akaashi.

He however, was the one surprised when he arrived, Akaashi was laying in his bed, curled up into a ball and wrapped in blankets crying softly. He didn't even look up when Bokuto walked in and just rolled over so he wasn't facing his boyfriend.

Bokuto looked up in worry and began to step closer to his boyfriend. Akaashi just flinched. Bokuto stopped moving, waiting for Akaashi to get used to him being there.

After a few minutes, Bokuto walked forward again, this time Akaashi didn't flinch, he smiled slightly and continued to his boyfriends side.

"Keiji? What's wrong, talk to me?" He said as he crouched at his side.

Akaashi looked Bokuto in the eyes and then started crying even more, moving forward slightly to bury his face in the third years chest.

"He-Hes been messaging me again. He w-w-wa-wants to se-e me. I d-dont wa-nt too." Akaashi sobbed out, Bokuto pulled him closer, he knew who Akaashi was talking about, his ex boyfriend.

His abusive, controlling ex boyfriend.

"You don't have to go and see him okay. It's fine if you don't go. We can just stay here, watch a movie and I'll hold you." Bokuto said softly, calm for once at the sight of his boyfriend.

"A-are you su-re?" Akaashi stuttered out softly, head still in Bokutos upper body.

"Of course I'm sure baby. C'mon, lay back down, I'll join you." The two moved onto Akaashis bed and just sat there cuddling until they fell asleep.

Bokuto looked down at Akaashi sleeping form and kissed his head with his last conscious thought before falling asleep as well.


Ahh, angst and fluff, what could be better.

Sorry if the fluff part is shit I hate it but j can't really write fluffy happy things so yeah, this is what you get.

Sorry it's so short.

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