Truth or Dare? ~ Setters

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"We're playing Truth or Dare. Who wants to go first?"

The Setters were all having their weekly hangout at Kageyamas house, his parents were hardly ever home so it was fine with him. They'd been there watching movies for a few hours, but Oikawa got really bored, really quickly, so, now they were playing party games.

"You suggested the damn game, you choose." Yahaba wasn't really very happy with this, he didn't like truth or dare but was being forced to play anyway, same with Akaashi and Kenma.

"Hmm, okay. Truth or Dare..... Akaashi?" Oikawa said, leaning forward a little in Akaashis direction.

"Uhh, Truth I guess?"

"Ughh, youre so boring!" Oikawa whined before sitting up and thinking, "Are you dating the ace of your team?"

"Me and Bokuto? God's no, I can handle him as a friend, a boyfriend? I think that'd just about kill me."

Akaashi sat for a moment and looked around the room.

"Shirabu, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare. Lets spice it up a little."

"Okay." Akaashi thought for a.oment before looking directly at Shirabu.

"Call the first person on your recents list who isn't here, and tell them you accidentally killed someone." Everyone turned to look at Akaashi with confusion clear on their faces. He sighed before speaking again, "I'm writing a new book, and I want to know how a person would react after getting that phone call."

Shirabu sighed, pulling his phone out of his pocket and going into his contacts. He sucked ina breath before looking up.

"It's Tendo." He sighed before pressed the call button.

"What's up, Saltybu?" Tendo asked immediately as he answered.

"So umm, I might have accidentally killed someone?"

"Do you know who it is?"

"No, they kinda attacked me and I think their dead."

"Okay," Tendo sighed as he thought before speaking again. "Do exactly as I say. Put the body on some ice, tell me where you are, I'll be there as soon as possible. I can help you dispose of it."

Everyone in the room starred at the phone while Semi and Shirabu were holding in laughter.



"I'm at a Setter hang out. We're playing Truth or dare, there isn't really a body."

"Of course... Anyway, if there ever is one, call me, I can help you dispose of it without getting caught by police."

"You're also on speaker phone."

"Really? Okay then, uhh, hi Setters. Once again, if you ever have a body that needs taking care of, ask Shirabu or Semi for my number. I got ya." He hung up after speaking and almost immediately, the Setters all started laughing.

"You know I'm genuinely not surprised that that was his answer." Shirabu said, laughing before he looked around the room.

"Truth or dare, Kenma?" He said after a moment.

"Uhh, dare."

"Call your team mum and tell them you have a crush on another setter." Shirabu answered with no hesitation. Kenmas eyes widened ever so slightly before sighing, and going into his contacts.

"Do I have to call Yaku and tell him this?"

"Would you rather call Kuroo?"

"Yaku it is." Kenma said instantly, pressing the call button.

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