Aoba Johsai Host Club ~ Oikawa

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3rd Person Pov~

Oikawa Tooru.

That name is known in two different parts of Japan, both for different reasons, however. The first, Miyagi and Tokyo, know Oikawa as an incredible, yet somewhat childish and cheeky, setter in Volleyball. The other, the Bunkyo region on Tokyo, for his charm, looks and participation in the Host Club. Two different lives, with one boy a part of both. What would happen if these world's collided? Well, let's find out I guess...


"Mommy! Have you found Tooru yet?" Tamaki whined to his friend, whom he and the Hiitachin twins jokingly called Mommy.

"Tamaki, how many times? Don't call me that. However, I believe I have found him." Kyoya answered, with a that smug smile of his.

"Did you really find To~Chan?!" Hani asked running over with Usa~Chan in his arms, followed closely by Mori, who didn't say anything and just kind of grunted?

"Well, either it's him, or it's a carbon copy with the same name.
Tooru Oikawa, goes to Aoba Johsai in the Miyagi district, Captain and Setter of the Volleyball club. Has his own personal fan club started by the girls in his year. Definitely sounds like him."

"GET IN THE PLANE LOOSERS! WERE GOING TO GET TOORU BACK!" Tamaki yelled before running out if Music Room 3 and down into the car park. The Hiitachin follwed him holding Hani, while Mori, Kyoya and Haruhi sighed before slowly following them. Haruhi questioning the older two as to who Oikawa Tooru was.

She didn't get a straight answer


"IWA~CHAN! WE BEAT KARASUNO! WE BEAT THEM THIS TIME!" Oikawa Tooru practically screamed running up to his (boy)friend and jumping on him in a bone crushing hug.

"SHUT UP SHITTYKAWA! GET OFF OF ME! YOU DAMN IDIOT!" Iwaizumi screamed at him, trying to get out of his death grip.

Oikawa just glared at him holding him tighter than before. Everyone stopped celebrating or lamenting after a few moments and the gym went silent for everyone to line up to officially finish the match.

Well, it was silent, until the gym doors burst open with 4 very excited boys jumped Ng in the front, followed by 3 who looked like they would rather be anywhere but there. Everyone was extremely confused, except for Oikawa, who recognized Tamaki and Kyoya instantly.

"T~TAMAKI?! KYOYA? MORI, HONEY?! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?" Oikawa asked as he walked slowly over to the Ouran Characters, not sure if this was actually happening or if he was just dreaming.

"Hello Tooru. I finally managed to find you, and this idiot decided we had to visit you today. He already had the plane called as though he knew it would happen..." Kyoya stated, if you didn't know him well enough, you'd think he was bored and wanting to go home, but Oikawa and the host club knew better, they could hear the slight smile in his voice, and see the shine in his eyes.

All of the older members of the host club nodded their heads (except Mori) along with what Kyoya had said.

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