Gender Identity/Sexuality Headcannons

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As the title says, some random Headcannons about people from Haikyuus gender identities

Yamaguchi goes by they/he, non-binary
Yachi goes by she/her gender-non-conforming but feels comfortable with she/her
Asahi is genderfluid, mostly masc presenting uses he/they most often

Aoba Johsai:
Kindaichi is non-binary, they/them
Kunimi is genderfluid, mostly they/she
Watari is agender, uses he/him
Iwaizumi is ftm trans masculine, uses he/him
Oikawa uses he/him, crossdresses a lot

Shirabu is a trans man, he/they
Tendo uses neopronouns doesn't care for labels

Date Tech:
Koganegawa is agender, uses he/they
Aone uses they/he
Moniwa is a trans man, he/him

Shibayama is gender-non-conforming, he/him
Kenma uses they/them
Fukunaga is trans masculine, he/they

Bokuto is gender-non-conforming, comfortable with he/him most of the time but occasionally they/them

In the time-skip, Kita is a trans women
Suna uses he/they
In the time-skip Atsumu becomes a drag queen in his spare time, not really a gender thing cause he's cis he/him, but still this man is damn good at it

And now for the sexuality headcannons

Tsukishima and Ennoshita are Aro/Ace
Noya, Tanaka, Kinoshita and Narita are biromantic/bisexual with a preference for women
Yachi is a lesbian and asexual
Kiyoka, Hinata and Suga are bisexual with a preference for men
Kageyama is demisexual and gay
Daichi is panromantic and grayasexual

Aoba Johsai:
Kunimi is pansexual
Matsukawa, Hanamaki and Kyoutani are gay
Watari doesn't like labels
Oikawa, Kindaichi and Yahaba are bisexual with a preference to women
Iwaizumi is biromantic with a preference for men, and demisexual

Reon is the token straight ally
Ushijima, Yamagata and Taichi are asexual and greyaromantic
Tendo is omnisexual
Semi is bisexual with a preference for women
Goshiki is bisexual with a preference for men
Shirabu is greyasexual and gay

Date Tech:
Aone is gay
Futakauchi and Moniwa are bisexual with a preference to women
Koganegawa is pansexual

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