Head Cannons - BokuAka/KuroKen

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Akaashi confessed first (much to Bokutos surprise) after a conversation with Kenma where the two said that if Akaashi told Bokuto, Kenma would tell Kuroo (both couples got together)
• The confession was really cute (albeit a lil bit weird)
Bokuto got really insecure one day  (will get explained later) and Akaashi was helping him
• Bokuto asked why Akaashi stayed with him and Akaashi kinda ranted about how he loved him
• Bokuto kissed him to shut him up them told Akaashi he loved him too

Konoha was outside the locker room (where they confessed) and caught it all on camera
Konoha then proceeded to show the entire team and they all cried cause cuteness
Konoha then sent the video to everyone in his contacts who played volleyball
• Those players either told him not to spy again or to congratulate BokuAka on finally getting together after it was so obvious they liked each other

• Bokuto is actually really smart, he just doesn't try in lessons cause he's either sleeping or thinking about the next date he's going to take Akaashi on
• Akaashi knows that's the reason he's not great in school but teases him about how Akaashi distracts him even when he's not actually there
• Bokuto gets really annoyed at that and just collapses on Akaashi in an attempt to annoy him

• Akaashi is actually really oblivious to everything
• Didn't realise that Bokuto was constantly flirting with him before they were dating until Bokuto told him
• Seriously, like Bokuto told Akaashi he loved him one day after a really good set/spike
• Akaashi just looked at him and told him to move because it was Konohas turn
• Akaashi just thought Bokuto loved his sets not him
• Both were heartbroken but let it go

• Akaashi kabedoned Bokuto once to see if he wore leggings or kneepads
• Bokuto does the same to Akaashi at any given moment as "revenge" even though they both know that they both like it

Akaashi got really nervous around Bokuto when they first started dating
• He constantly messed with his fingers but after a week or two he wasn't as nervous

• Their parents were not surprised when told to two were dating
• They had expected it ever since Akaashi took Bokuto to his house
• Akaashi never takes anyone to his house except Bokuto and Kenma
• His parents knew him and Kenma wouldn't get together cause they both obviously botto- I mean what?

• Akaashi smokes weed cause it helps with his anxiety
• Kenma does as well
• They go to each others houses a lot to get high and rant about Kuroo/Bokuto (both before and after they started dating)


• Kenma confessed first cause of the deal with Akaashi
Kuroo thought he was joking so he'd buy him a new game
Kuroo literally started crying and then shouted at him saying that he was just saying that to get a new game
• Kenma was surprised but a bit pissed that Kuroo would think he'd do that
• Kenma hugged him to shut him up
• It worked (Kenma doesn't hug anyone)
• Sat there hugging for ages before Kenma told him he wasn't joking

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