Balcony Views ~ KuroShou

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My favourite fanfic trope is two "straight" guys who accidentally drunk hook up at a party then end up living together cause the bottoms parents are homophobic as fuck, enemies to lovers, slowburn, hurt comfort.

And no this has definitely not come from a very specific KuroShou fanfic that I was reading moments before writing this.

3rd Person PoV~

"You've got to be kidding me." Kuroo let out an exasperated sigh as he opened the door to the hotel floors large rap-around balcony. The male before him heard and turned his head slightly to see who else was up at 3 in the morning.

"Oh, it's you." He said before slumping back over the wooden railing, watching the sky.

Kuroo sighed and walked closer leaning with his back to the railing, hands clasped behind his head, and looking at the same view as the shorter.

"So, Daishou, why are you up at 3am? We have a game tomorrow."

"I'm well aware of that, Captain, but I have insomnia, I thought after 3 years of playing on the same middle school team you'd know this." Kuroo chuckled slightly under his breath, staring with a genuine smile at Daishou as the younger looked away.

"I was kidding, Vice-Captain, I know you have insomnia, we've been best friends since we were 6." Daishou smiled a little at that and turned his head around to face Kuroo, resting his skull on his left palm.

"Still going to Nohebi for highschool?" Kuroo asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah. Still going for Nekoma?" Kuroo only nodded in reply, head dropping a little.

"Carrying on Volleyball? What am I saying, of course you are, you nut. I am too, incase you're wondering." Daishou continued to speak, trying to ignore the tears pooling ever so slightly in his eyes.

"How about we both try for Captain in our 3rd year, finally get to see whose stronger."

"You're on. But we'll obviously win."

The two laughed at that, they'd gotten closer during the talk they'd had, Kuroo practically hugging Daishou from behind. Daishou leant back, allowing himself to fall into Kuroos arms. Kuroo smiled at Daishous response and wrapped his arms around him, resting his chin on top of the shorters head.

~Time Skip~1 year Later~

"We meet again. Captain." Kuroo laughed lowly at Daishous words, they were in their first year of Highschool now, Kuroo going to Nekoma, and Daishou to Nohebi, Cats and Snakes.

Both of their teams believed that they hated each other with a burning passion. Well, a burning passion was present in both, but neither was of hatred.

"Indeed, how about we have a little bet on how this game will go, Sugu?"

"Why not, what do you have in mind?" Kuroo moved closer to Daishou, lowering his head to the shorters ear and whispering into it.

"I win, you go on a date with me. You win, I do whatever you wish for me to do. How about it then?" Daishou jolted slightly as Kuroo started speaking but a large smirk grew on his face as he listened to the words.

"Anything, you say?" Daishou replied after a moment, deep in thought of what he'd make Kuroo do.

"Of course, anything you wish."

"Then we have a deal. I'll see you after I win this match." Daishou spoke, turning on his hell and beginning to walk to where his team were watching the exchange.

"I'll see you tonight, after I win the match. Hope you're prepared for what I'll do." Kuroo laughed as he finished speaking before he too turned on his heel and went to his team. Both boys endured heavy teasing and questioning from their teammates until the whistle blew to signify the beginning of the match.


"Told you I'd win. Now I get to make you do whatever I like." Daishou smirked up at Kuroo as they met up after the game.

"Of course, your majesty. What do you want me to do?"

"Well first of all, how about you go to your hotel room, I'll come up and join you in a bit, shower and I'll be over, text me your room number. Expect me around 9 o'clock." Daishou walked away not giving Kuroo, who just sighed at Daishous demanding demeanour, a chance to answer.


"So, what am I doing now then?"

"Honestly, I really just want to talk. Theres a lot of things that we need to discuss."

The two sat on Kuroos bed, only a few inches between them as Kuroo waited for Daishou to start.

"Why do we do this?"

"Do what?"

"Ever since the first year of middle school we've been dancing around something together. I can't tell if it's hate, jealousy or something else and I just want to talk about it."

Kuroo stayed silent and just walked out of the room onto the wooden balcony, Daishou followed after a moment.

"I know what you mean, Sugu. I felt it too, for me it's not hate or jealousy, it's something that I never told you about because I thought you'd hate me. I think I love you. As in want to spend the rest of my life with you, love you, I've been thinking this since the first year of middle school... I just haven't known how to tell you." Kuroo looked up at the sky, forcing himself to not look at Daishou because he knew that if he did he'd cry.

"Kuroo. You're a fucking idiot. I've made it so obvious that I love you for the past 3 years and I thought you realised and were disgusted by it. If you'd have told me this wouldn't be happening right now!" Kuroo looked down to Daishou in shock, then he started laughing.

"Even when admitting you love me you insult m- Hey!" Kuroo for cut off by Daishou lightly slapping his arm.

"You're an idiot." Daishou whispered before pulling on Kuroos shirt so they were face to face, looking into his eyes for a moment before leaning up to kiss him.

Kuroos eyes shot wide at Daishou actions, taking a moment before relaxing as he leaned further into the kiss.

They pulled apart after a few  moments, a dizzy smile on their faces as their foreheads rested on each other, breaths mixing.

"Lovely view, isn't it?"

Y'all I don't fucking know, had an idea, started writing and then finished it almost 2 weeks later, I don't know what this became but here have a rarepair.

Word Count: 1090

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