Group Chats and Dysphoria

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The Pretty Setters Group Chat

Kozubabe is online

Kozubabe: Why do we exist?

Kozubabe: What is the point of life?

Kozubabe: What is the point of having a useless flesh sack as a body?

Everyone is online

AkaBoo: Babe are you okay?

KozuBabe: No.

ShiraBitch: Ken we talked about this.

ItsSemiFuckers: Do you want the squad to come over?

KozuBabe: Yeah.

ItsSemiFuckers: I'll message them. We'll be over soon.

It'sSemiFuckers is offline


Cis-Het Sucks Group Chat

EitaBitch is online

EitaBitch: Y'all we have a problem

Everyone (minus Kenma) is online

Tsubaby: Eita? What happened?

ItsHitoBabe: Why is Kenma the only one not online?

AkiBitch: Tokyo?

TaroBabe: Most likely.

Tadababy: Is Kenma okay?

EitaBitch: They aren't okay. Existential Crisis/Dysphoria. We should probably try and get to them asap

ItsHitoBabe: I'm in Tokyo visiting family rn, so I can probably get there within like 10 minutes and help while you get here?

TadaBaby: Thanks Hito, I'll be about an hour

EitaBitch: Everyone meet at the train station, we can go together, be about 2 hours though.

AkiBitch: Bullet Train.

TaroBabe: True

ItsHitoBabe: See you guys soon

Everyone is offline

3rd Person PoV~

After quickly telling their parents what was happening, Yachi ran out of their grandparents place and down the streets of Tokyo to get to Kenmas place.

They burst through the door, closing it after, and ran upstairs to find Kenma. They were lying in their bed, covered in blankets, hoodies and plushies, shaking from how much they were crying.

"Ken? Honey, can I come hug you?" Yachi asked after just staring at the bed for a moment, Kenma was clearly having a panic attack, and Yachi knew by now that it was better to ask before touching them when they had a panic attack.

A shaky, chocked out "yes" came from under the blankets, so Yachi began to slowly pick the coverings up, moving them so he could get to Kenma. After a minute, they removed the last one, and slowly crawled into the bed, lifting Kenmas head so they could slip next to them for a hug. Kenma just continued to cry into Yachis shoulder for a good hour before they calmed down.

"Hey, KenKen, I'm here, I'm here. You're not alone." Yachi kept whispering over and over as they hugged them, trying to get them to calm down.

All together, everyone else burst into the room, startling the two on the bed. They all rushed to Kenma and Yachi, asking if they were okay. Overwhelmed, Kenma just nodded, and buried their head into Yachis shoulder. They smiled and patted their head, before lifting it up and moving, allowing Semi to take their place. Yachi moved to the corner with Yamaguchi and Kindaichi before telling them what they knew.

"I don't really know what happened, they refused to talk until you lot got here. I'd get chocolates, hot chocolate and tissues though. I also need to go and take my binder off so I'll be stealing one of Kenmas hoodies." Yachi said hurriedly, watching the others nod as they grabbed the largest hoodie they could see and went to the bathroom.

Coming back a few minutes later, everyone was sat in a group on the bed, a space in-between Kenma and Yamaguchi for them to slip into, an array of chocolates and sweets Infront of them along with a tray of hot chocolates and several boxes of tissues. Yachi smiled slightly, sitting in their space and stroking Kenmas head, smiling at everyone before grabbing the blankets and turning 'Evan Almighty' on. They all agreed that it was a genuinely shit movie, and none of them were religious, but it was mindless comedy and better than the prequel 'Bruce Almighty'.

Talking could wait, now it was just about comforting and Dysphoria cuddles, God knows Kenma needed it, and so did Yachi, he just didn't like telling them.

The Pretty Setters Group Chat

Akaboo is online

Akaboo: Hey Semi, you're with Kenma right?

It'sSemiFuckers is online

It'sSemiFuckers: Yeah I am, they're fine now btw. Yachi got here before us and cuddled them for about an hour before we got there. Ken fell asleep maybe 20 minutes ago in the middle of some stupid hallmark American Christmas film, I don't even know what this is but it made them feel better.

Akaboo: Okay, thanks for this Semi. They don't like me being around when this happens.

It'sSemiFuckers: I know, the rest of us don't really like our partners with us then either, I promise they'll be fine by morning.

Akaboo: Okay. Can I come over just so I can take those pictures of you lot sleeping in a cuddle pile cause it's adorable?

It'sSemiFuckers: Wait what?

Akaboo: Nothing

Akaboo deleted one message

It'sSemiFuckers: Okay sure, I'm gonna go now, I think I'm the only one left awa- Nope Yachis crying, shit gotta go

It'sSemiFuckers is offline

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