More BokuAkaKuroKen Headcannons

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Yep more of this shit cause I can


Kenma is the only one who never learnt how to drive

• Kuroo got his lisence first out of all of them, and for like, the last year and a half of highschool he just drove Kenma everywhere.

• Bokuto is like the opposite of his normal self when driving.
• You know that one really annoying driver whose going like 10 below the speed limit, and waits for like 5 minutes before making a turn, and legit drives like an old lady? Yeah thats Bokuto

• Road Rage.
• All I have to say about Akaashi is that he gets so angry when driving it's ridiculously ridiculous.
• He ends up screaming words that the other three didn't even know he knew cause he hardly ever swears when he isn't driving.

How Kenmas fans found out:
• So since they are in a four way, gay relationship, they can't get married cause you know, illegal
• However Kuroo and Bokuto would be like super cheesy and buy them all promise rings and give them to them with like a really cheesy speech and signs and it'd just be really cute
• Obviously, Kenma and Akaashi loved it and were like "If we could marry you we would" blah blah blah

• It's like a few months later and Kenmas doing a stream and like half an hour in the chat goes batshit crazy and he looks at the chat and it's just filled with like "He's married?!" "He's engaged?!" "He has a relationship?!" And Kenma has no clue whats going on so he asks and someone mentions that he has a ring on.
• His eyes widen and he's just like "oh shit" and tells the stream that he's gonna go off for a bit but will probably do another stream later that day or the next day explaining what happened.
• He immediately screamed for Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto after ending it
• They ran to the room he was screaming in worried an she told them what happened.
• They were all just like "It was gonna happen sooner or later, what do you wanna do about it?"

• They end up filming a boyfriend tag video and putting it up instead of a live
• Internet goes batshit for a bit and Kenma just says "stay out of your dms for like week" and leaves it at that

Kenmas Streams:
• So Kenmas a really famous youtuber right?
• It's like mostly gaming, but on streams if it gets like really late and he was supposed to be making dinner that night, but he also promised a really long stream, he will turn off his games and go and make dinner whilst still on the stream

• He's on a stream one day, he's been doing it for a while and he just turns the chat off so he can't see it and is just making dinner.
• Bokuto is the first to come home, he just burst through the door screaming "IM HOME!" then runs to Kenma and gives him a kiss and a hug, before Kenma pushes him off him and tells him to go and take a shower cause he's sweaty af from practice.
• When Bo is in the shower, Kuroo comes home doing the exact same thing, then goes to take a shower as well (same one as Bokuto)
• The chat starts going crazy about how cute they all are
• Akaashi is the last to come home
• Cause he's not got a very active job, he showers just before bed so he stays in the kitchen talking to Kenma asking him about how his day was and talks about random shit that happened at work and it's really fucking adorable.

• Kuroo and Bokuto come down together, just wearing shorts/sweatpants, and like pick the other two up (Bokuto and Kenma and Kuroo and Akaashi)
• Again chats going crazy
• They all just stand in the kitchen and talk while Kenma finishes cooking then they all sit at the kitchen table and eat
• Like when they finish dinner and Bokuto and Kuroo are cleaning up someone asks how the stream was and Kenmas just like "Shit, I didn't turn off the stream" and looks at the phone by the oven that was still streaming
• The boys just start laughing as Kenma goes to the stream and is just like "Thanks for being here, sorry if the last part was a bit boring, see you next time"

• This legit happens like twice a month cause Kenma is so fucking forgetful, but fans have made like little edits of what happens when the four are eating dinner and it's fucking adorable

• Bokuto is always the first up. He wakes up at like 5am, and just does shit for like an hour.
• He'd go for a run, come back and shower, have a protein shake e.t.c.
• He wakes Kuroo up at like 6/6:30 and then just follows him around while he's getting ready and making their lunches for the day.
• It gets to 7, and Kuroos just like, yeah you can go wake Kenma and Akaashi now, so he does that.
• Kenma just refuses to get up, so Bokuto will carry him downstairs, so they all know he actually eats before they leave.
• Bokuto and Kuroo leave together at like 7:30, cause Kuroo drives Bokuto so he'll actually get to work in time (MSBY Training)
• Akaashi flicks between working from home and going to the office, so if he's not working from home he leaves at like 8:30, so he knows Kenmas not going to die while their gone.
• At like, 10:30, Kenma will actually start doing his work and like edits videos and makes new ones.

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