I have no clue what the call this...

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InsecuritiesABitch is Akaashi Keiji

EmoSuga is Semi Eita

SleepLessGameMore is Kenma Kozume

Germaphobic is Sakusa Kiyoomi

BarkBarkBitch is Kyoutani Kentaro

InsecuritiesABitch: anyone wanna go Hot Topic I need some new posters and t shirts

EmoSuga: yeah sure I need some new hair dye and shirts

SleepLessGameMore: yeh I don't need anything but I wanna get out of the dorms for a bit

BarkBarkBitch: might aswell.

Germaphobic: what makes you think I'd go with you shits

InsecuritiesABitch: the first time I met you was in Hot Topic a week before school started

Germaphobic: fuck I forgot that. yeah I'll come

InsecuritiesABitch: great meet outside the dorms in half an hour

BarkBarkBitch: im at my fathers. I'll meet you at the shops


Germaphobic: got to admit, that was quite fun

InsecuritiesABitch: told ya you'd enjoy it


EmoSuga: when's the next band practice

Germaphobic: tomorrow wasn't it

SleepLessGameMore: ive got a new song idea

BarkBarkBitch: cool I've got a few prototype album covers

InsecuritiesABitch: great meet tomorrow in my dorm ken bring the lyrics and chords kyo bring the album covers see you there


BarkBarkBitch: what did you think of the covers?

InsecuritiesABitch: excellent

SleepLessGameMore: what about the new song?

InsecuritiesABitch: the beats good, lyrics depressing af but good

EmoSuga: what was the song again

SleepLessGameMore: Broken {Excellent song by the way, it's the song at the top.}

EmoSuga: oh yeah that was really good.

Germaphobic: do we have school tomorrow?

InsecuritiesABitch: yes



SleepLessGameMore: what happens when we die

InsecuritiesABitch: I dont know man

SleepLessGameMore: I wanna find out

Germaphobic: shut the fuck up and go to sleep

BarkBarkBitch: why should we

Germaphobic: we have school in like 5 hours

InsecuritiesABitch: now you sound like Suga

Germaphobic: fuck you

EmoSuga: Kiyo no

InsecuritiesABitch: we probably should go to sleep though

SleepLessGameMore: why

EmoSuga: talk about death later please like at the lunch table or something

Germaphobic: I want a part in this conversation at lunch though and I won't be caught dead eating with you lot no offense of course

BarkBarkBitch: fuck you too sakusa

SleepLessGameMore: not now idiots do this at lunch kiyo you are sitting with us

EmoSuga: fuck reputation

InsecuritiesABitch: you'd have sat with me anyway

BarkBarkBitch: you do realise we are going to perform infront of the rest of the classes at the next sports fest right

Germaphobic: yes but worry about that later we can carry on the convo about death at lunch now go to fucking sleep


Germaphobic: my reputation is dead

BarkBarkBitch: what reputation

EmoSuga: being a germaphobe?

SleepLessGameMore: pretending you don't give a shit about others when you do

InsecuritiesABitch: being an asshat

Germaphobic: i-

SleepLessGameMore: talk bitch

Germaphobic: you know what doesn't matter


InsecuritiesABitch: new person apparently they good at music

InsecuritiesABitch added SexySlothFox

SexySlothFox: wtf did samu or tsumu put you up to this

Germaphobic: Suna

SexySlothFox: sakusa

SleepLessGameMore: wait you know each other

SexySlothFox: he's dating my boyfriend's twin and my best friend obviously

Germaphobic: fuck you Suna

SexySlothFox: I mean if you wanna...

Germaphobic: I might

EmoSuga: wtf kaashi why

InsecuritiesABitch: thought it was a good idea samu recommended him

SleepLessGameMore: I thought I said not to trust samu on that

InsecuritiesABitch: you did

InsecuritiesABitch: I just didn't listen

SleepLessGameMore: Bitch

InsecuritiesABitch: Yep

I'm not exactly sure what this is, but I was reading through my old BNHA Oneshots book and I found the first part of this in there with different usernames and I just got the idea to do that but as Haikyuu.

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