Mafia Bosses ~ BokuAka and KuroKen

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3rd Person PoV~

"Good Morning, Keiji." Koutaro murmured as he felt a weight fall onto his chest, waking him up.

The weight that had fallen onto his chest, was none other than his husband of 4 years, Bokuto (Akaashi) Keiji, attempting to wake the older man.

"Kou, c'mon, we have that thing in a few hours, you need to get up cause it'll take us a while to get there." Keiji said in a slightly whiny voice, and pulling the quilt off of his husband in a - frankly futile - attempt to get him up.

"Keiji, just 5 more minutes..." Koutaro mumbled rolling over again.

"No. Get up, get showered, get dressed and get downstairs. Your breakfast is gonna go cold and I've already drank your coffee seeing as how you were supposed to be up and hour ago!" Keiji stated, choosing to just ignore the white haired male and go downstairs.

"Fine, fine, I'm up!" Koutaro practically screamed, scrambling out of bed, grabbing some clothes that they had layed out the night before and booking it to the bathroom to shower.

Keiji started laughing as he walked through the kitchen as he heard Koutaro crashing around in their bathroom. Choosing to be a little mean, he waited until he was sure the elder was in the shower, before turning on the tap to refill the kettle and make more coffee. He was rewarded for his efforts as he heard a shrill shreak from the bathroom. He laughed again, before starting to actually make their breakfast, considering he had been lying to Koutaro to get him up.

15 minutes later, Koutaro stumbled down the stairs, clothes impeccable as always when they had something big to do.

Koutaro only ever wore the same outfit when they did a deal like that days, a pair of dark grey suit trousers, a pristine white shirt - sleeves rolled to the elbows and top two buttons undone - a loose grey tie, a grey suit jacket - worn over the shoulders - and a pair of black gripped gloves, with shined black dress shoes. A final addition to this outfit was the double gun holster going over his shoulders and around his back and chest, holding two guns at his sides, at the perfect level for him to easily reach both with either hand, easily concealed under the jacket.

Keiji dressed similarly, pitch black suit trousers, black shirt - normally, sleeves down, all buttons done up - a blood red tie, black suit jacket that he usually just wore over his shoulders - it connected to the shirt - black dress shoes and once again, black gripped gloves. His addition, was a singular gun holster on his left side, hidden beneath his suit jacket, a long black knife strapped to his right thigh, a second gun tucked into the back of his trousers, on the left side.


{I could only find a picture of Akaashi like that, I'll try and find one of Bokuto or I might try and draw it, who knows?

{I could only find a picture of Akaashi like that, I'll try and find one of Bokuto or I might try and draw it, who knows?

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