Your Hoodie - KuroKen

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Old Nekoma Team Group Chat~

Everyone (except Kenma) is online

Kuroo: Hey! How are y'all doing? Haven't seen any of you in ages!"

Yaku: Did you not stay in touch with Kenma?

Lev: I thought you two were dating...

Kuroo: what?! We weren't dating and no, we lost contact when I went to college...

Yaku: Well, that's surprising.

Kenma is online.

Kenma: Why are you talking about me? I haven't spoken to Kuroo except on this chat for years.

Yaku: Seriously?! If anyone would keep in touch if have thought it would be you two..

Kuroo: Hey Yaku, how's Lev?

Yaku: .... Touche... Moving on.

Lev: How come you haven't spoken in years?

Kenma: We had a bit of arguement on the last day of Rooster Heads Third Year at Nekoma. And we never met up to talk about it. But I actually wanna talk about it now, because I spoke to Shoyo and he said now or never right. So here goes...

Kuroo: Here goes what?

Kenma: You'd probably think I'm psychotic

Kuroo: Why?

Kenma: If you knew...

Kuroo: Knew what?

Kenma: What I've still got in my closet,

Kuroo: Kenma you're not making any sense...

Kenma: Sad, but true...

Yaku: Does anyone have any idea what he's doing?

Lev: Nope, Shoyo didn't say anything about this when I spoke to him earlier...

Kenma: I slip it on over my shoulders, It's something I'll never get over...

Yamamoto: Wtf is going on?

Kenma: It makes me feel a little bit closer to you..

Kuroo: Closer to who?

Kenma: I can't keep your love
I can't keep your kiss
Gave you everything and all I got was this!

Yaku: Kenma, what are you talking about?

Kenma: I'm still rocking you Hoodie!
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you so I wear it when I sleep!

Lev: Whose hoodie?

Kenma: I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns,
Still rocking your hoodie Baby, even though it hurt! Still rocking your...

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