Haikyuu X TPN

312 4 0

3rd Person PoV~

They were playing a practice match. That was all they were doing until everything went downhill. Karasuno and Nekoma were playing another practice match in the Karasuno Gym, and everything was going perfectly, until it wasn't.

They were in the break between the second and third sets, Karasuno winning, when the doors burst open. Takeda was already there, same with all the coaches, so everyone was confused about who was at the door.

"Ray? Norman? Emma?" Was called out through the room, 3 people stiffened, breaths catching as they recognized the names and the voice.

"Ma'am. I apologize, but you can't be here unless you tell us why you should be allowed here." Ukai said as he stepped forward, looking at the woman in the doorway.

"I'm looking for my children. Emma, Ray, Norman! Have any of you seen them?" The lady asked stepping into the room so she could take a look at the people in the gym.

Her eyes wondered to the three who recognized her voice and tears came to her eyes as she saw them.

"Emma, sweetheart, come here. You too Norman, Ray. I've missed you all so much." The three shifted uncomfortably, their teams starting to notice.

"I know you remember me. It was only 4 years ago, please come back to me!" She screamed out, jumping forward and attaching herself onto the youngest of the three.

"Miss, I apologize but I am not one of the three you're talking about. Please get off me." Hinata said, attempting to push her off him but failing, as he cowered until the looks he was recieving.

She looked up at his face, tears streaming now, before turning to look at the other two.

"Norman. Ray. Come here and help me with your sister. Now." Her voice turned cold as she ordered the two, their bodies moved on impulse as they stepped forward to Hinata and the woman.

She stood and smiled at them, before pointing at Hinata.

"Ray, pick up your sister, we all need to talk."

"Mama. That's not Emma, that's Shoyo Hinata. If you're still calling us your children then he's your son as well."

"Mama please. We left and you know why. We have nothing to talk about with yo-"

"Stop it. Kuroo, Suga, this is not your conversation to be having with Mama. I'll go speak with her, I'll be back in a minute." Hinata said, grabbing onto her hand and pulling her out if the room.

All eyes turned to Kuroo and Sugawara, as they tried to back away into the corner.

"Mind explaining what that was about?" Ukai asked as he moved from the entrance to the boys.

"Uhhh. No?" Kuroo said after a moment trying to get out of explaining.

"Wrong answer kid. Explain." Nekomata replied as he too got closer.

"That's our Mama-"

"She isn't our mother anymore Norman." Kuroo cut Sugawara off, closing his eyes and leaning his head against the wall.

"Sorry Ray. She's the woman who raised us in our orphanage. Isabella."

"Wait you knew each other before high school?" Kenna questioned looking away from the door he'd seen Hinata exit moments before.

"Yeah. We, me, Kuroo and Hinata, have known each other since we were babies practically. Me and Suga were two when Hinata showed up. She- I mean he was so cute as a baby." Sugawara answered for Kuroo, seeing that he wasn't really in the mood to talk about this.

"You totally had a crush on him dude. Although I will admit, he was very cute up until about age 13."

"What are you guys even talking about?" Daichi yelled from the back of the group.

"Right, umm, Hinatas trans, he was born as Emma, that's what we meant. And I didn't have a crush on him!" Sugawara replied, yelling in Kuroos direction slightly at the end.

"Sure, the blush you had every single time he spoke to you said otherwise."

"It was six years ago, drop it!"

The rest of the teams and coaches were just watching Kuroo and Sugawara argue back and forth about Sugawara supposed crush on Hinata, until said boy came back into be room, Isabella following behind him.

"Ray, Norman, Em- Shoyo, I understand that you probably don't want to speak to me. But please, just talk to me this once then I'll leave you alone and I won't look for you again. Okay?" The three looked between themselves then back at Isabella.

"No Isabella. Just leave us alone. We're the only ones left so don't even try to look for the others." Kuroo replied for the other two, before pushing Isabella out the gym and locking the doors, collapsing against it immediately after.

"Quick warning. Get anything flammable away from him, he's a bit of a pyromaniac." Hinata said before walking up to Kuroo and sitting down next to him, pulling him into a hug.

"I'll get the sedatives." Sugawara sighed as he walked to his bag and grabbed the syringes before walking to Kuroo and Hinata, injecting them quickly and moving them so they were laying together in the corner of the room.

"If you ever see her again call the police and have her arrested for Human Trafficking and assisted Murder." He said as he looked back at everyone before pulling the other two into a hug.

Everyone else just decided to leave their many questions for when Hinata and Kuroo woke up.

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