Regression ~ KuroKen

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3rd Person PoV~

Kuroo woke up slowly, yawning as the light from the sun that was peaking through the gap in the curtains hit his face. He rolled over slightly to cuddle with Kenma, but noticed after a moment that he wasn't there. Kuroo bolted upright immediately and began looking around their shared bedroom. Everything was exactly how it should have been, except there was no Kenma.

He stood and quickly walked out of their bedroom and into the living/dining room. Kenma was sat on the floor, in a cat onesie Kuroo had bought him, with a red and black pacifier in his mouth, watching cartoons on the TV and scribbling in his colouring book.

It took a minute for him to notice Kuroo, but when he did he sprang up and ran to him, jumping just as he got to him so he landed on Kuroos chest.

"Morning Baby. Why are you up so early?" Kuroo asked as he stuffed a yawn and held onto Kenmas back and but to keep him in the air.

"Dada!" Kenma yelled happily, spitting out his paci, "I-I had nightmare" Kenma suddenly started crying and burying his face into Kuroo shoulder.

"Pie, why didn't you wake me?" Kuroo whispered softly into Kenmas ear, trying to sooth the regressed male.

"No wowry you. Ou be mad."

"Oh, Baby, I'd never be mad at you."



Kenma smiled and buried himself further into Kuroo side before jumping of HM and crawling back to the TV.

"Pie, how old are you sweetie?" Kuroo asked suddenly as he moved to where Kenma had spat out his paci to pick it up and wash it.

Kenma thought for a moment before happily squealing and holding up three fingers.

"Okay sweetie. How would you like to go shopping for some more toys later?"

"Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yoys!!"

Kuroo chuckled before going to pick Kenma up. Resting him on his hip, Kuroo walked into their kitchen and began making simple strawberry oatmeal, Kenma loved that when he was regressing but neither of them could figure out why, they just kinda went with it though.

~Time Skip~They are in a department store toys aisle~

"Dada! Get that one?" Kenma asked, pointing at a gaming console plushie, before turning to Kuroo with hopeful eyes.

"Course we can sweetie. You can pick two more toys, then Dada has to go and get some food for us okay?"

Kenma nodded, picking up the plush and handing it to Kuroo before running of into the next aisle where the electronic toys were.

Kuroo chuckled lightly and sighed, following after Kenma, giving him a moment to look before doing so.

"What on earth are you so excited for? You're what 24 years old? You're not a toddler!" A high pitched screeching voice was heard throughout the corner of the store, Kuroo immediately knew someone was talking to Kenma.

He quickly rounded the corner to find Kenma laying on the floor, in a position that told Kuroo that he had been slapped and then pushed, and a lady, probably around 40, stood over him, seemingly about to start lecturing him.

"Umm. Miss, what are you doing? Why is he on the floor?" Kuroo asked calmly, trying to make it not seem like he was extremely upset.

Hearing Kuroos voice, Kenma lifted his head up slightly and whispered, "Dada" just loud enough for all three to hear.

Hearing Kenma so upset, Kuroo forgot about the lady for the moment, he ran to Kenmas side, picking he up like a koala, so Kenma was on his front, legs wrapped around his stomach, with his face in Kuroos neck, whimpering slightly.

"It's okay, Baby. I've got you, Pie, no need to worry, I'm here." Kuroo kept whispering over and over again in Kenmas ear, before making direct eye contact with the lady who had hit Kenma.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I- Why are you holding an adult like a baby? Don't tell me he's one of those?! Those things are disgusting, they deserve to die, each and every one of them. They have no significant role to play in out society so why do they exist?!"

Kuroo looked up at her, wordlessly, he placed Kenma down on a conveniently placed beanbag chair, and stalked towards the woman.

"Never. Never say that again. You say people like my boyfriend don't deserve to exist? I only see one person here who doesn't deserve that right, and it sure as hell isn't him." Just as Kuroo finished talking he was right up in front of the woman's face. She raised her hand in which she held a pocket knife, and slapped him, causing a rather large deep cut to form, blood slowly dripping out if the wound. He blinked for a moment, astounded at what the woman did, before smiling slightly and quickly slugging her across the jaw, making her fall to the ground, before walking over to a Security desk a few aisles down.

"Hello Sir, how may I help you today?"

"I'd like to report some abuse and discrimination against me and my boyfriend."

The security guard looked astonished, before standing quickly and following Kuroo to the scene of the incident. When they got there, what the guard saw shocked him. A lady was slumped up against on if the shelves, with a large bruise already beginning to form on her left cheek bone, Kenma curled up in a beanbag chair, with dried tears on his face, and a slightly bloody cut on his forehead, with a large hand mark on his cheek. Not to mentions the messed up shelving and the few spots of blood and tears on the ground. He took a step back and looked at Kuroo again, a large and mark on his face along with a startlingly large amount of dried and fresh blood.

He quickly screamed down his transceiver to the rest of the security detail, and asked for a further 2 guards and a medic to be brought to the aisle.

~Time Skip~Back home after all the legal stuff was sorted out~

Kuroo and Kenma were cuddling up on the sofa and watching Big Hero 6, it was Kenmas favourite movie when he was regressed. Kenma had fallen asleep only half an hour into the movie, but Kuroo continued watching incase he woke up.


Kenma woke 3 hours later, exhausted, to find Kuroo still up watching Monsters Inc. it was quite entertaining.

Kuroo immediately noticed Kenma shifting around and looked down at the smallers head in his lap.

"Morning Pie. How'd you sleep baby?"

"Is it even morning, Kuro?"

"Oh, Kitten, you're out of little space. Hi, no technically, it's 8pm, but you've been asleep for a few hours now."

"Hmm. Okay, I'm going back to sleep."

Both boys fell asleep, laying on the sofa, curled up together, with Monsters Inc. playing in the background, I mean, who could complain about that?

Word Count: 1169

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