Anteiku - Kenma

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3rd Person PoV~

"Hey! Whose phone is ringing?" Yaku yelled out across the room as a random song burst through the gym. Everyone looked up, seeing Kenma walking towards the phone.

"It's mine sorry. I'll be really quick." He said as he picked the phone up and accepted the call as he walked to the side of the room.


"Hey Kenma."

"Toka? You don't usually call me when I'm in school, what's up?"


"Toka, what happened?"

"So, Kaneki kinda disappeared..."

"Again? Jesus Christ. I'll be there in a few minutes okay."

"No, Ken, you don't have to. You're in school aren't you?"

"It's just Volleyball Pract-"

"Yes. It's Volleyball, stay, you know that volleyball helps you with your reflexes fo-"

"I'm stopping you right there I'm still in the gym."

"Shit sorry. Anyway, no need to come down. It's fine."

"No it's not. I'll be there soon. How's Hinami doing?"

"...Not the best...Yeah it's better if you get here."

"Thought so."

"Bye KenKen."

"I told you not to call me that."


Kenma turned to find the entire volleyball team staring at him, confused about the phone call.

"Are you okay, Kenma? You seemed pretty worked up."

"I'm fine Kuroo. Something has happened at the café where I work and I really need to get there."

"It's a café, it can't be that much of a problem, can it?" Lev asked, not seeming convinced with Kenmas answer.

"My friends gone missing again, and the child in our care is freaking out about it, like she did last time, and I'm the only one other than the friend who disappeared who can call her down like this since her mother died. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really need to get going. If you wanna see me, Kuro knows where I work." Kenma answered as he packed up his things and ran out of the gym, in the direction of Anteiku.

The rest of Nekoma looked around themselves, before turned to Kuroo, the same look on all of their faces. Kuroo sighed, before signalling for everyone to clean up and grab there things.

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