Brothers ~ AkaKage

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3rd Person PoV~

"KEIJI!" Was a scream that rang through the Karasuno gym as Fukurodani stepped through the door.

"TOBIO!" Akaashi said in return as Kageyama ran up to him to hug him. Akaashi started laughing lightly as he twirled them around in a spot by the entrance, in full view of everyone.

"AGAASHI!" Bokuto called from the side of the gym. Fukurodani needed to have a quick meeting before the game, and that couldn't happen without their star setter.

Akaashi sighed before putting Kageyama down, smiling at him and patting his head before walking over to where Bokuto and the rest of Fukurodani was stood.

Kageyama smiled as he looked at Akaashi before going to his own team for them to discuss a few things before the game started.


They took their first break after the first set, which had gone up to 35:37 to Fukurodani, when the coach's and advisors unanimously decided that they should rest before playing a second set.

Akaashi went to his bag and grabbed a small, but thick white envelope and took it over to Kageyama, giving him a sad smile.

"Tobio. I was going to give you the money at the end of the game, but I'll probably get rushed off before I get a chance to, so I'm giving it too you now. I suggest putting it in your bag so noone asks questions." He placed the envelope in Kageyama hands and he placed it in the bag that was resting next to him.

"Thanks Keiji. How's Mother? Riku?"

"You're mother is alive. That's about all I know, she's never home. Pretty sure she's cheating on Dad. Hes fine by the way, hospital treatment is going good and he doesn't know about Ren potentially cheating so I'd say he's good." Akaashis voice turned sour as he spoke about Kageyamas mother. Kageyama noticed and quickly changed the direction of the conversation.

"Anyway, how've you been? How's Kenma?" Akaashi turned bright red at Kageyamas question, turned away as to not let him see. Kageyama chuckled lightly, smirking at his brother.

"I'm good. Kenmas doing as well as ever. How's Aki and Yūu?"

"Good. Akis getting better and Yūu isn't as self concious anymore."

"That's good but we should probably get back there. Starting Setters and all that." Akaashi finished, giving Kageyama a final nod before running if towards Fukurodanis end of the room.

"Kags! Get over here we're starting soon." Kageyama nodded and ran over to Sugawara to start the game.


The game finished, Fukurodani winning 2:1 in the sets. They went down the line shaking hands, and the were just stood in a large group talking, until someone started screaming.

"Kageyama! Are you dating Fukurodanis setter?!" Hinata screamed out as he saw Akaashi with his arm on Kageyamas shoulder, both smiling and talking with each other.

Every head in the gym turned towards the group of three. Hinata looked confused, Kageyama disgusted and Akaashi like he was trying not to either laugh or throw up.

"I thought Akaashi was dating Kenma?" Konoha muttered, louder than intended so everyone heard.

"ARE YOU CHEATING ON KENMA AGKAGHI?!" Bokuto screamed out, but he quickly silenced after looking at Akaashi and Kageyama.

The two were now on the floor, trying to get breath into their bodies as they broke down laughing.

"Y-you think Keijis my b-boyfriend?" Kageyama stuttered out, continuing to laugh after.

Hinata simply nodded his head and turned to Sugawara who stepped forward.

"Oh my lord you guys are such idiots." He said before walking up to the two other setters and helping them stand.

"Suga what's going on?" Daichi called out wearily from the back of the group.

The three setters looked at each other before deciding what to do.

"Me and Tobio," Akaashi started.

"Aren't dating." Kageyama continued.

"They're brothers." Sugawara concluded, laughing immediately at the looks on everyones faces.

"My mother married his dad like, 7 years ago I think it was?"

"Yeah it was 7. We didn't meet until about 5 years ago though.

"How come?" Yamaguchi asked tentatively, trying not to aggravate Kageyama.

"Uhhh, I was living with my father. He died, shit happened, I passed out, wasn't answering my phone. Mother sent Keiji to find me."

"That is very true. Obviously we don't live together cause I live in Tokyo and he lives with his part-"

"Nope not today. Keiji you're coming to mine, I want food."

"You just wanted this so I could come round and cook you Pirozhki, didn't you?" Akaashi stated, crossi g his arms and looking at Kageyama skeptically.

"Obviously, you make the best Pirozhki."

"Fine." Akaashi said before grabbing both of their bags and handing Kageyamas his. They walked out he door in silence, not saying anything to anyone.

After a few minutes in silence Sugawara walked over to his things, pacing away and walking to the door,turning slightly to talk.

"I'm leaving too. I havent had Kaashis Pirozhki in ages, and I'm dying for it." Before walking out he room leaving everyone in silence.

Word Count: 849

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