Milk Bread ~ IwaOiMatsuHana

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3rd Person PoV~

Oikawa had been staying behind practice longer and longer each night, working harder and harder so he could beat Kageyama and Ushiwaka in the national qualifiers. Deep down, he knew, he knew that he couldnt beat either, but damn he was gonna try or die attempting it.

Aswell as the Nationals coming up, the end of year exams and college applications were coming up, causing his anxiety to spike more than usual.

He rarely ever saw the 3 boyfriends that he lived with at home, only ever at school or the middle of the night if they stayed up to wait for him.

All three wanted to do something to show Oikawa that they were there for him if he ever wanted to talk to them, but they weren't entirely sure how. Until Iwaizumi had an idea.


"We could make milk bread, it's his favourite thing ever." Iwaizumi said, as they were all trying to come up with things that they could do for Oikawa.

"That's actually a really good idea. How do we make milk bread?" Matsukawa said, eyes lighting up slightly as Iwaizumi spoke, knowing how much Oikawa loved it.

"I have absolutely no clue..." Iwaizumi admitted, looking towards Hanamaki to see if he had any idea, he shook his head in response.

"Umm. I think my mum has a recipe book that has a milk bread recipe in it...? I could ask her for that?"

"That's an idea, I have no clue how to make it, all I know is it involves bread flour and milk..."

"Even I knew that Iwa, Makki ask your mum for the book please."

"Gotcha, I'll be back in like an hour, I'll still be home before FlattyKawa though." Hanamaki said, voice turning slightly sad at the end before he shook his head smiled at the two remaining at the house and left for his mother's.

The other two looked at each other, smiled and then went upstairs to clean the house, a thing that they had discussed previously before the milk bread, as they knew how much Oikawa hated mess.

~Very Large Time Skip~

Oikawa had just got home, closing the door and putting his shoes and coat away, he picked his phone out of his pocket and turned it on to check the time.


Almost 1 in the morning and he had just got home. He sighed, knowing that what he was doing was bad for him, but he continued to do it any way.

He walked through to the kitchen to find some of the shop bought milk bread that was in the cupboard when he noticed that the lounge light was on.

He slowly tip toes towards the room and opened it to find a sight that he adored.


Before anything is said, yes I know that is a picture of IwaOiKage, I searched for 4 fucking days to find a suitable picture of IwaMatsuHana to put here to describe it but I could not find a single thing

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Before anything is said, yes I know that is a picture of IwaOiKage, I searched for 4 fucking days to find a suitable picture of IwaMatsuHana to put here to describe it but I could not find a single thing. Just pretend that Oikawa and Kageyama are Matsukawa and Hanamaki, k?

Back to the story

His boyfriends all laying on the floor, cuddled up to each other asleep, with a box on the table next to them.

Curious, Oikawa walked to the box and look at the writing on top.

"Tooru, we know that when you get back we will probably be asleep, so we wrote this so you would know what's going on. Open the box, there's a little homemade surprise waiting for you ❤️"

Confused now, he opened the box to find a plate of perfectly baked milk bread, and another little note next to it.

"You've been working so hard for the volleyball team, you've been working yourself to death, and all we've done is try to stop you instead of help you, so this is the thing we thought of, we made this milk bread for you, (which probably took far longer than it should have) to show you that we are still here, and that you can come to us with anything. You're our boyfriend and we love you Tooru, don't forget that. ❤️"

Oikawa looked at the notes he had placed side by side, then at the platter of milk bread on the table, then to his boyfriends, all of whom were awake and had just been pretending to see what Oikawa would do.

"I love you guys too." Oikawa whispered before walking to his boyfriends and joining in on their cuddling group.

The three looked at each other, then Oikawa and shifted slightly so they were in their usual cuddling position.

Matsukawa and Iwaizumi on the outside of the group, with Hanamaki and Oikawa on the inside, they switched every night so sometimes Oikawa was held by Iwaizumi and Hanamaki by Matsukawa, and others Oikawa by Matsukawa and Hanamaki by Iwaizumi. It didn't really matter to them as long as they were together.

"I love you guys too." Oikawa whispered again before he fell into a deep sleep, enjoying the feeling of being held by those he loved and loved him.

Word Count: 857

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