Get Away From Me ~ SakuAtsu

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Sakusa PoV~

Why is Miya following me again? Doesn't he understand that I don't want him within 5 feet of me? I mean, I know that he knows I'm Mysophobic, he just doesn't understand what that means.


Oh no.

3rd Person PoV~

Sakusa turned around on the volleyball court to find Atsumu running towards him, an ear splitting grin on his face. Skausa visibly paled as he started to walk away.


"No Miya."

Sakusa kept walking, determined to get away from the blond boy running to him.

Atsumu wasn't slowing down, infact he was speeding up, trying to get closer to Sakusa.

Sakusa gulped, swallowed down the bile rising in his throat and started running. He ran off the court and into the next building where they were sleeping for the Japan training camp.


"Miya please get away from me."

"Omi! Why?!" Atsumu started whining as he got closer and closer to Sakusa, almost cornering him.

"Miya, please stay away from me."

"Why are you so upset I just want to talk to you?"

"Then talk to me. From 5 feet away."

"But why?"

"You know why Miya!"

"No I don't! Tell me what's so bad about me getting close to you!?"

Sakusa put his head down and his hand over his chest in an attempt to calm down his heavy breathing

"Do you not see the mask I wear everyday, even in sports activities when I don't need to? Have you not seen me, sanitising my hands 3 times an hour? Do you not see how much I try to avoid people getting close to me? Do you not see any of that?"

Atsumu stared at Sakusa for a moment before backing away and turning to leave.

"Sorry Sakusa." Was all he said before he was gone.

Sakusa let out the breath he'd been holding since Atsumu appeared, as he collapsed against the wall behind him. He could finally breath, he still felt as though a panic attack was coming on, but Miya was leaving him alone for now. That was all he really cared about at that moment.

Word Count: 357

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