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"KENMA!" Kuroo yelled as he and the rest of the volleyball team got to the school roof, his best friend stood on the opposite side of the railing about to jump.

Hearing the frantic yelling from behind him, Kenma turned his head to see the whole volleyball team behind him, looking at him with tears in their eyes. Kenmas own eyes widened as he saw them, shock prominent on his face.

"Kenma. Please, whatever your trying to do, don't." Yaku spoke softly as he started to inch forward, drawing Kenmas attention away from Kuroo.

"Y-Yaku-San..." Kenma spoke trailing off as he looked at everyone.

"Why are you here? You've already stopped me once! Why do you want me to suffer?" Kenma yelled at them, tears beginning to fall from his eyes.

"Kenma." Yamamoto started speaking moving towards the boy, "Just step back over the railing, talk to us."

Kenma shook his head in response, inching closer to he edge.

"Kenma, remember what I said last time, talk to me, don't keep what you're feeling inside please." Kuroo said bringing the attention to him once more.

"Kuro- You know I can't, you know what I've been through, you know that I can't step away from the edge. I have tried so many times to end my misery and every single goddamn time I fail and I'm still alive-" Kenma started chocking on his tears "I don't want to be! I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore."

"KENMA!" A unanimous scream from the team as the boy let himself fall back off the building. Kuroo running to the edge and leaning over in an attempt to catch him, failing.

There was a loud crack and a this as Kenma reached the ground, the team running down the stairs to get to him, even though it was pointless.

He was dead. His neck broken and skull cracked as he landed. Kuroo stared at the body of his friend, hoping that he was alive, but his hopes where killed when he felt for a pulse or breath, neither present.


The bell rang for the end of fifth period, every student running out of their classrooms for the end of the day, only to be met with a corpse and their volleyball team crying their eyes out.

Everyone watched as Kuroo pulled his volleyball jacket out of his bag, wrapping it around Kenma and picking him up bridal style. He walked away from everyone, put of the school gates, he took Kenma back home, to his parents.

The tears only started falling as he explained what happened to them, his eyes never leaving the face of the boy in his arms.

"At least he died smiling..."


Y'all, Kenmas my comfort character I hate myself for this but oh well?
I am not okay 👌

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