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~The Three Idiots Group Chat~

King is online

Hey guys, I might be a little bit late to the place today, the teams catching on to something and I don't want them to find out just yet, so I'm going to pretend I'm going to stop by the graveyard and visit Grandfather, is that fine with you two?

Onion Head is online

Let Me Sleep😴 is online

Let Me Sleep😴:
That's fine, Kags. Our team is figuring something out aswell. Hanamaki-Senpai and Matsukawa-Senpai keep questioning us when we try to leave early.

Onion Head:
Yeah, it's a bit annoying though. Also who changed my name again?!

That would be me.

Onion Head:

I know it was shrimpy who said it, but it's funny

Let Me Sleep😴:
I hate that I agree with you...

Onion Head:
I hate both of you...

Let Me Sleep😴:
We all know that's not true babe.

Yeah don't even try to kid us. You're horrible at lying.

Onion Head:
I know...

I've got to go, I'll see you guys later

Onion Head:
Bye King.


Onion Head:

Let Me Sleep😴:


King is offline
Onion Head is offline
Let Me Sleep😴 is offline


3rd Person PoV

Kageyama shut his phone off just as the bell for the end of lunch rang, and ran to his 4th period lesson, surprisingly, only late by a few seconds.

He sat down and his lesson began.

~Time Skip~

School had just ended and Kageyama began to make his way over to the school gym, checking his phone for the time as he went.


He got to the gym and headed straight for the clubroom, changing as quickly as possible before running into the gym.

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