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Nico: So, I had an idea

Sugawara: Oh no

Nico: It was one of those random shower/bath thoughts

Daichi: Oh dear god

Nico: And now you have this crap

Nico: Don't blame me, blame the probably too much Paracetamol I've had because of these god damn pains


3rd Person PoV~

"Class, our lesson has to be interrupted by an announcement. There has been a government request for all high school in Japan to read this. They are asking for anyone who has either heard of, or been in a place called GraceField Orphanage. If anyone is part of the two groups mentioned, please stand, gather your things and go to the office, a government agent will come and take you somewhere to discuss what you know."

That announcement filled classrooms of schools all over Japan. The vast majority were confused by the announcement, but those in the classrooms with people who left even more so.

Even though the message was sent to every school, only 3 people came forward. 1 from Tokyo and 2 from Miyagi. Nekoma and Karasuno.

When the two from Karasuno found each other at the front office they were shocked, the first year broke down crying, the third year comforting them in the car on the way to the government facility they were to be kept at.

??? PoV~ (when the announcement came through)

No. Not again. I got away from that place, we left it behind never to think about again. I should probably go though, if I don't god knows what could happen.

I stood packing my bags, I'm pretty sure tears were falling down my face as I did so. Ignoring the stares and worried looks from my classmates I headed towards the office at the front of the school, only to find I was the only one there.

Don't lose hope yet, maybe I'm not the only one. They could still be there, they could be at another school. I'll find you again, I promise.

We waited at the office for almost half an hour, before realising that no one else was going to be there. A person who looked to be from the government came and took me out of the building and grounds, pushing me into the back of a car and started driving, saying nothing of what was happening.

The drive was long, maybe an hour or two, and I have no clue where we are, I don't recognize, anything, where the hell am I? I got pushed into a room that looked to be like a hotel waiting room, and was told to stay until the others arrived.

Does that mean I'm not alone? There are others so I can't be the only one who got out of that place alive right?

Soon after two people I recognized got pushed into the room. Please, please tell me it's them...

3rd Person PoV~

The three just stood there staring at each other until the one who came from Tokyo took a step forward, whispering under his breath.

"Suga? Hinata? N-Norman? Emma?" The two simply nodded, the younger beginning to cry again as they jumped up to cling to the ravens neck.

"Hey Kuroo. Or should I say Ray now?"

~3 Months Later~

Suga PoV~

I can't believe it's been 3 months since they took me, Shoyo and Tetsuro- Well Ray now. He told us to call him Ray, and Shoyo and Ray call me Norman. Seeing as how Shoyo doesn't really care whether we call them Emma or Shoyo its really up to us. Although in public we use the last names that we were given when we were adopted. God knows how the government didn't already know about us but oh well, nothing we can do about it now.

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