Bad boy Imagines♡

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Heey<3 I decided to give you guys an early update so I hope you enjoy. It's a valentines themed one since valentines day is coming up next week. vote & comment if you liked it? Also, the imagines with different parts to it will be continued soon, I just wanted to switch it up a bit(;

Your POV- 
Me and h/n home for valentines day. We're currently at home not yet exchanging presents. I wanted to give h/n his gifts first so I handed the to him. I bought him the nike trainers he wanted, a snapback and his favourite chocoalates. He looked at me shocked. He came over to my side and hugged me kissing me on the lips right after.
"Omg, baby, I love you so much. Thank you!" 
"You're so welcome I love you too." I replied.
He then got my presents and handed them to me before giving me a bouquet of red and white roses. I opened up the gift bag and inside were my favourite chocolates, and two small boxes. I opened the first box and in it was a beautiful bracelet with one charm on it. It was a love heart.
"Basically, I bought this so that everytime we do something special together, you can add a charm to the bracelet. There's a heart already on it to remind the both of us of today."
"h/n, that's the sweetest and cutest thing anyone has every got me. Thank you so much." I said while hugging him. He took the bracelet and put it on my wrist. It fit just perfectly.
"You're welcome now open the other one."
The next box was quite big. So I guessed it was a necklace. I opened it and was shocked at what I was seeing. It was a necklace with a heart crystals and diamonds on it. It was beautiful. 
"Oh my god. Wow." were the only words that I could get out.
He took the necklace out of my hands and put the necklace on around my neck. It was so beautiful it felt surreal.
"I love you so much h/n. Thank you for everything. Not just for the gifts but for everything you've helped me get through, for everything you've done for me. You're just amazing. I really don't deserve you."
"No, thank you. Without you, I think I'd be in prison." He laughed. "You helped me change. You're a beautiful, amazing person. I'm so glad I met you and if anyone, I don't deserve YOU." He said later kissing me passionately on the lips.

Okay, I'm going to be forever alone. *cries* anyone with me?:'(

Bad boy Imagines♡ (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now