Bad boy Imagines♡

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One night, your husband came back drunk and was saying really mean, intolerable things to you. You thought he may have cheated on you because he was drunk but you couldn't take it anymore so you locked yourself in your room and started packing your bags. You heard him sort of sounding sober and OK however you had enough and you continued packing your bags.

"(y/n) please, please open the door". you didn't reply so he said "alright,  I'm coming in". You got scared so you curled up into a ball in the corner of your room. He looked at your bags and his eyes softened instantly.  You realised that, at this rate, he was completely sober. He came and knelt down beside you, really close. "Baby, no please don't leave me". DAMMIT he used that name you thought. You looked at him and saw that he was crying and when he looked at you his eyes were bloodshot red. He cupped your face and said " I love you, please I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get drunk, I just thought-" you cut off his speech and said in tears "Just tell me one thing, did you cheat on me?"

"I would NEVER even think abot cheating on you- even if I was drunk (y/n) .. I really do, every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again. When I tell you I love you, I mean it, I really do. Please forgive me.." Silence.

You broke the silence by giving him a long, passionate kiss on the lips. You remember why you fell for this guy in the first place. He was all you ever wanted.

"I love you too (h/n)".


HEY!, I hope you liked this imagine:D it took me quite a while even though it's short but anywaayss.. please read my other stories- 'falling for him<3' and 'Trust me (Dark Justin Bieber Story)  and tell me what you think of it.. :D


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