Part 2

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Annabelle's POV-
What was this guy thinking. There had to be some kind of mistake. I never signed up to share apartments with a guy.
"Jake, can you explain what the hell is going on because I don't remember signing up to share an apartment with a guy."
"Babe, my Dad owns this whole block and since this apartment is the only one big enough with a spare room I'd like to live here."
"Listen, I get that but you can't just barge in here. You didn't even give me a warning about the situation."
"Oh yeah my bad I forgot."
"So you're not even going to apologise or try and sort this out?"
"I don't know what you expect me to do. I need a place to stay and this is the only place there is."
"That's not true. There's apartments on the ground floors that aren't filled yet so why can't you just go there?"
"One, this one has a nice view and I'm not just talking about the view from the window. Two, it's one of the biggest ones in the block. And three, I get exactly what I want."
I huffed, went back into my room frustrated and hoped that he'd somehow change his mind and leave.
After reading for a few hours to clear my mind I became rather hungry so I walked out into the kitchen only to see Jake sitting there on the platform.
"Listen I'm sorry. I didn't want you to be get annoyed. I should have told you in advance. I'm sorry Annabelle. Forgive me please." He said as he walked towards me.
I stepped back a little intimidated. I'd only just met the guy so I couldn't warm up to him just yet.
He looked hurt at my action.
"I only just met you. This can't be that bad. We just have to get to know each other I guess" I said.
He smiled and said "Babe we have to get to know each other you have no choice. I'm not going anywhere."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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