Bad boy Imagines♡ P3

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Hey, sorry I update so little, I've just got a lot on my mind but I felt that I couldn't leave you beautiful reader with nothing so I decided to update. Sorry it's such a short part but I've just got so many things going on right now. Hope you like it...

I walked up to my room, changed into some comfy clothes and got straight into bed hoping that my parents wouldn't question me until tomorrow morning. Before going to sleep I had to check my phone. I had a new text message so I opened it hoping it would be H/N. To my surprise it was. It said- 'Hey babe, just wanted to let you know that we're going out tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 11'. To be honest, I was really quite excited to see him again. I replyed a simple 'Okay' to his text before putting my phone away on my bedside table and drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
I woke up reasonably early considering I was going out with H/N today. I got up and went straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and face and then hopped straight into the shower. I washed my body with my vanilla scented body wash and washed my hair afterwards. After that, I dried my body and wrapped a towel around my soaking, long hair and my body. I walked to my wardrobe checking to see the weather aswell. It looked quite sunny today so I decided to wear a maroon coloured skater skirt, a black collared shirt and some black ankle boots. After getting changed I applied minimal make-up and dried and straightened my hair. I grabbed my phone and bag spraying perfume on me aswell and headed downstairs to see my parents and for breakfast. 
As I walked downstairs my Mum and Dad were sitting at the table talking. 
"Hey Mum, Hey Dad." I said while kissing both their cheeks.
"Hey sweetie, you look nice, are you going out today?" my mum said.
"Yeah." Realising I forgot to tell them about yesterday night, I carried on talking. But then stopped again. If my parents knew about what happened, they would never let me go out by myself again. I covered it up by simply saying "I'm sorry I was so late home yesterday, I was in school for catch up and then I headed to the library losing track of time. When I got home, I went straight for bed because I was so knackered."
"Oh honey, you work so hard, your mother and I are so proud of you, you don't need to explain anything."
"Thanks Dad" I said grabbing a bowl of cereal.

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