Bad boy Imagines♡ P2

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Hey everyone, I hope you had an amazing Christmas and got everything you wanted and deserved<3 I hope you enjoy this (continued) imagine:)
(Your POV-)
He led me to his car which I identified to be a black Range Rover. I somehow felt safe with this boy not only because he saved me but because he genuinely seems like a nice person. I'm quite scared however seeing as he did knock the drunk man out. I pushed aside my long thoughts as the boy opened the car door for me before I thanked him. He walked around to the drivers side and started the vehicle.
"I'm (h/n) by the way." 
"I'm (y/n)."
"So where abouts is your house."
"It's on the main road. Victoria lane."
"Oh I know where that is, I live about two minutes away from there."
For the next two minutes, the car was silent but curiosity got the best of me and I just had to wonder what in the world the boy was doing in the alleyway seeing as he was by himself.
"Not to sound nosey or anything, but why were you in the alleyway by yourself, and how did you know where to find where I was?"
" I was just having a bad day so I decided to take my car for a drive and maybe walk around a little while to clear my mind but as I was getting back into my car from my walk, I heard a scream and ran to see what was happening. and you're not being nosey. Also, I know that man, he's no good, you should never walk through that area by yourself like you did."
I just looked down feeling a little embarrassed and stupid at what I had done. What was I thinking? 
"I hope you feel better (y/n). and I'm sorry that I caused you some trouble." 
He pulled into the drivewy of my house and turned to face me.
"(y/n) this wasn't your fault and I'm sorry that I didnt come sooner. You caused me no trouble whatsoever."
"Thank you once again." I said smiling.
"It's no problem and one more thing, I'd really like your number" he said handing me his phone.
I typed it without hesitation as I didn't want today to be the last time I see this boy. I handed him back his phone and then walked up to the steps of my house of course, giving him one last wave. 

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