Bad boy Imagines

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Hope you like it:) xoxoxo

Your POV-
I grabbed my bag and headed out the door for an evening walk to clear my mind. I've been really stressed and sad recently due to school, friend and family problems and just everything in general really and I just wanted to get away from everything. I decided to walk through the park.
As I was walking I could sense someone behind me but I shrugged it off and continued walking. A boy then walked up beside me and smiled at me. He was tall and hot not gonna lie.
"Hey, I'm Justin" he said.
"I'm y/n" I replied.
"I know I don't know you but are you alright? You look like you're about to cry."
A tear then slipped down onto my cheek and we both stopped. He wiped my tears and we both went to sit on a bench. 

"What's wrong" he asked again.
"Just everything really. I've just had an argument with my best friend, all my parents ever do is have a go at me and I don't blame them to be honest anymore. I deserve it. I'm a horrible person, ugly worthless. I don't deserve to be here. Every-"
He then cut me off and said "woah babe. shhh." Then he moved closer to me and pulled me into a hug. I don't even know the guy and I've already opened up to him. What am I doing? I went to pull back but he just hugged me tighter.
"I'm sorry for bothering you. I shouldn't be dumping my problems on you. I don't even know you." I said. 
We then pulled apart form the hug and he said "You're not dumping your problems on me. I asked you what was wrong and you just opened up to me. There's nothing wrong with that. I should be the one that's sorry. You're going through so much and you don't deserve any of it. And why would someone as beautiful as yourself think your worthless? I can tell you for sure that you're not."
I didn't even know what to say to that. I'm not going to lie but his words definitely did help. 
"Thank you, you're so kind. But I am worthless and NOT beautiful. I DO deserve everything coming for me. I ruin everything. I can't even talk to my own parents without getting into an argument with them." I then started to get up. "I appreciate your help Justin I really do. Thank you so much but I just want to be alone." 
"I understand babe but wait up. Can I at least get your number?" He said as he handed me his phone. I smiled and typed my number in. 
"Are you sure you want to be alone? I could walk around with you if that makes you feel better we don't even have to say anything I just want to make sure you're safe."
"You know what Justin? I think I do need someone right now."
He smiled at me and put his arm around me as we walked. We then talked about everything on our minds.

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