Bad boy imagines♡

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You and your 'bad boy' boyfriend have been married for two years and you're pregnant with his baby for 6 months so you're beginning to get very moody due to your hormones.

"Why do you stare at every single girl you see, do you not like me anymore, if you don't why don't you just leave me for fuck sake?! I knew you never changed, you're still a player!" you screamed.

"(y/n) I dont know what you're talking about you're just overreacting". He said as if it was nothing and continued watching tv.

"OVERREACTING? ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING ME, YOU STARE AT THEM and the-" at this point you were crying " and then you probably look at me and think 'how did I end up with a girl, ugly and fat as shit' I know you do". You screamed at him again.

He moved closer to you on the sofa, turned off the tv and said "(y/n) you're all I've ever wanted. You're beautiful and no, everytime I look at other girls, I think about how lucky I am to have someone like you all to myself. I love everything about you. You're certainly not fat, you're pregnant and carrying the most precious thing in the world with you, Our baby".

He kissed you passionately and you cuddled on the sofa and watched romantic movies for the rest of the day.


Hey!! so I hope you liked that imagine:) I'll be updating again soon..


Bad boy Imagines♡ (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now