Bad boy Imagines♡ P1

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Wow, its been 3 months, so sorry I haven't updated in so long, I have just had so much school work and exams to prepare for but I'm honestly trying. This is quite a short imagine but I promise that once my exams are over, I will update a lot more frequently. Again extremely sorry because it's short but I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing:)

Your POV-
I was walking home from school quite late today and it was late in the evening which meant that it was getting quite dark. I was just so tired so instead of taking the long, noisy and open route home I decided to walk through the quiet but short alleyway instead. I've been through it before one time and nothing happed so I wasn't quite bothered, I just wanted to get home. 
As I was walking I heard the leaves crunching behind me but I knew it wasn't me making the noise so I picked up the pace a little bit at a time looking back to see if anyone was there. I was instantly regretting the dea of walking through this eerie alleyway. I didn't see anything so I continued walking at the same time debating whether to look like an idiot and sprint home or to just continue walking at a fast pace like I was just in a hurry and like nothing happened. Suddenely, I was pushed up against the alley wall by a man looking like he was in his late thirties. I could also smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Let go of me." I said screaming as loud as I possibly could hoping that just somebody would hear me. 
I tried to push his off of me but I clearly didn't have the strength compared to his big body. 
"Scream again and I will rape you right here." He said through gritted teeth whilst covering my mouth.
At that moment I thought I was going to get raped but as soon as I was about to say something, a teenage boy, probably about three years older than me, came up to us and pulled the man off me with ease and then instantly started punching him. The man was covered in blood and was coughing it up desperately trying to fight back but the boy was just too strong for him to handle. The boy stood up and walked over to me and by this time, the man looked like he had just passed out. 
"I'm so sorry you had to see that. Are you alright?" The boy said to me. I looked at him and tried to see what he looked like. He was quite tall, had brown hair styled in a quiff however I couldn't quite make his eye colour out due to the fact it's basically night now.
I just nodded in response. I was actucally teriffied. I almost got raped. He hugged me tight trying to comfort me. 
"I'll take you home babe, I swear I'm not a pedophile." He tried to joke.
"Thank you." I said in response. Seeing as he just saved me I thought that that was enough evidence to believe he wasn't going to try anything...

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