For Bryannah:)

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Bryannah's POV-
I was just out walking home and it was just beginning to get dark. Trying to save time, I decided to take the shorter route home by walking through the park. H/N would never let me do this alone as he's extremely overprotective but I know that he just wants the best for me. 
As I was walking, I heard someone else behind me. I went to dial H/N because I was getting scared and also knowing that he will come. I went to walk faster but they pushed me up against the wall. H/N picked up the phone and I could hear a faint hello so I put the phone in my back pocket hoping the person attacking me wouldn't see it.  
"LET ME GO." I shouted as I tried to get out of the man's strong grip but he was pinning me onto the wall so hard that I couldn't move at all.
He tutted sounding a little drunk. Inches from my face, I could smell the liquor on his breath. Even drunk, I wondered how he could keep standing and holding me so tight. He started kissing my neck and I felt disgusted. I was trying my best to push him off of me but it was no use. I pulled the phone out of my front pocket and shouted ''H/N HELP ME. I'M AT THE PARK" but before I could say any more, I dropped the phone and it fell onto the ground. The man crushed it with his foot.
"Trying to outsmart me are we? Trust me baby when I want something, I get it." He whispered in my ear. He started to rub himself against me kissing me as he did so. I of course didn't kiss back.
"KISS ME BACK YOU BITCH." He shouted at my face. 
"NO, GET OFF ME." I shouted back. I was in tears now. After I shouted back at him, he ripped my shirt off leaving me in my bra. I screamed 'help' but there was no-one in the park.
"GET OFF HER YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I heard a familiar voice say. A wave of relief rushed through me. 

H/N's POV-
"BRYANNAH!" I shouted at the phone. My girl is in danger. I shot up and run to my car grabbing my jumper and car keys. Completely ignoring my friends. 
As I got out of the car, I ran trying to find where Bryannah was only to find that she was basically half-naked, in tears pushed up against the wall by a pervert.
"GET OFF HER YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I shot towards the man punching him several times. I shouted names at him while beating him. He was unconscious now and Bryannah was on the floor crying. This must have been horrible for her. I grabbed my jumper and put it on her trying to get her warm. I carried her to my car and cradled her like a baby. She looked up at me trying to hide her emotions and she gave me a weak smile and said a faint 'thank you'. I wiped her tears.
"Anytime baby. I love you too and you're safe now. What were you thinking though? How could you go out by yourself in the dark? I could have drove you. From now on, you're staying with me. I couldn't bare to see you like I did today. I love you so much princess and I will do anything for you but please be more careful, if I hadn't gotten there in time words cannot express how I would be feel-" I cut him off by giving his a long passionate kiss.
"I love you H/N" I repeated.
Hope you like it

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