Bad boy story

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Hey everyone!❤️ it's been such a long time I know I'm very sorry, exams had literally taken over my life.. But I'm back and updates are coming your way for sure!
This little extract is something different from the usual imagines and I may even continue it into a full story if you guys like it.. I decided to just update it on here as it will probably get the most reads and it basically fits into the bad boy type of story which I know you guys like. I've also left it on a cliffhanger so I know if you guys are genuinely interested.
So without further delay here's the start.. Hope you enjoy! Remember to like and comment if you do❤️ love you all very much and thank you for sticking by me after so long xxx

Annabelle POV-
I woke up to the sunlight beaming in from outside. I rubbed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep as if I hadn't slept in days. My mind was telling me to get ready but my body just stayed still. I rolled over, grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram, then Twitter, then alternated between the two for about an hour.
Finally deciding it was time to get up, I headed into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hopped into the shower. I washed my body with my favourite products and then stepped out to get changed. I put on the most basic outfit I could find consisting of jeans, a jumper and converse. I then went to eat my breakfast and facetimed my parents while doing so.
After a while I wanted to take a walk and just take a break from all the problems gathering up in my mind. Due to my clumsy self and abrupt decision, I bumped into someone and fell straight to the floor.
"Shit" I said as I noticed the carpet burn on my elbow. I looked up to see a good looking boy with blonde hair and piercing ocean blue eyes. They were so blue I just stared intensely at them for a few seconds. I mentally cursed at myself for being so stupid and embarrassing. He offered me a hand and said "I'm sorry babe didn't see you there."
"I'm sorry too, I should've paid attention" I replied taking his hand and ignoring the fact that he called me 'babe'
"I'm Jake it's nice to meet you".
"I'm Annabelle".
He then grabbed a key out of his pocket and went to open my door.
"Woah woah woah! What do you think you're doing there? That's my apartment".
"Oh yeah correction, our apartment babe".

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