For Deeksha:)

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Sorry it's been so long!! Hope you like it<3

Deeksha's POV-
It's the day of my first class. I was starting to get nervous. What if no-one likes me? What if they hate my British accent? What if everyone thinks I'm stupid I thought. After struggling to find the right room, I fixed up my hair and walked into my first class. I sat near the back of the class seeing as I didn't know anyone. The teacher then later came in and introduced me to my class. They all seemed friendly I thought. 
About three quarters of the way through the lesson a guy walked in. I learned his name was Francisco Lachowski. He seemed like one of those 'bad boys'. I always wonder why guys like him even come into class if they don't want to study. Besides from that, he looks hot. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He's quite tall and you can practically see his muscles through his v-neck t-shirt. 
"Nice of you to finally join us Mr Lachowski." Said the teacher sarcastically.
He just nodded and walked over to the desk next to me. He looked at me for a few seconds and smiled. I smiled back and looked away but I could still feel his eyes staring at me through the corner of my eye. It was beginnning to get uncomfortable.
"Is there something you want?"  I asked him.
"I'm Francisco" He said, ignoring my question.
"I'm Deeksha" I replied.
"Oh hot and british. I like it. and babe, I want you." He said moving closer to me.
"Um can you not?" I said kind of liking the attention but at the same time hating it. I really just wanted to concentrate on the lesson. The only reason my parents let me move to NYC by myself w because I promised them that I could take care of myself and that I would study. I didn't have time for any distractions.
"Baby, I know you think I'm hot. Everyone here in this room wants me." He said.
"Cocky much?" I said. As if on queue, the lesson ended. It felt as if it had only been half an hour.
"I got up grabbing my things wanting to get away from Francisco. He was kind of creeping me out by how many times he had glanced at me throughout the lesson. 
Just due to my bad luck however, the next thing I knew, I was walking to my apartment with Francisco. I stopped and asked him what he wanted again but all he kept saying was "give me a chance babe."
I didn't really want him to know where I lived so I stopped and agreed. 
He then took my hand and suggested going for a walk. I just agreed taking my hand away. Yes he's good looking but I don't know anything about him. 
We started walking through the streets and talked about our lives. It was quite nice to be honest. He seemed like a great guy. 
Just as I was about to say something, he kissed me. I wanted to kiss back but I knew I shouldn't. Besides, we've only known eachother for a day. things are escalating way too quickly. I pulled away and said "Francisco we've only known eachother a day. I don't want to rush things."
"but baby, I really like you." He said.
"aw, I like you too but things are moving way too fast for me. We can hang out tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'd really like that." He said smiling. I then hugged him feeling bad.

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