Bad boy Imagines - part 2

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"I'm Matthew." The boy next to you said smiling showing his pearly white teeth.

"I'm (y/n)" you replied smiling back.

"So you're new right?" he asked.

"Yep." You replied.

"Here's me address and number. Come around for some fun anytime you like baby." he said and winked.

'Urgh' player you thought. How disgusting.

"(y/n) and Matthew, what could possibly be more important than my lesson? I said the next people who talk are going to get an hours detention after school. So here you go." He said issuing both Matthew and you detention slips. You immediately groaned and then Matthew smirked. He whispered, "see you in detention baby."

This made you blush so you covered your face in embarrassment. After what felt like hours, the bell rung finally indicating that class was over so you grabbed your things and shoved them into your backpack walking as quickly as you could out of the class not wanting to be followed by Matthew being the shy person you are. You were dreading the detention that was coming up after school.

For the rest of the day, classes flew by and you had now made a friend called Julia. You two instantly clicked being the two new pupils in school.

It was the end of school so you walked as slowly as you could to the detention room.

" Hey baby." Matthew said taking you by surprise and pushing you against the lockers and kissing you roughly.


Heeey everyone.. thanks so much for reading <3 Just a reminder that I do take requests(: and please check out my other stories? anywayss, VOTE , COMMENT & FOLLOW? +can we get 100 votes before the next update?;)


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