For Inayah:)

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Sorry it's been so long! Hope you like it<3 

Inayah's POV-
It's been a year. One whole year without James. I miss him so much but I doubt he misses me, besides, he was the one that left me. Maybe if I had told him I was pregnant then- I cut off my thoughts and tried to keep my mind off him. It's for the best I thought. I was currently on a plane to LA with my son, now one years old called Zach. I was also with my friend Brad. We originally live in England but we've come to LA for a holiday. I put Zach to sleep and fell asleep for the rest of the flight.
When we got to LA, we grabbed our bags, got into a taxi and we're just heading to our hotel. We walked out, thanking the driver and paying him. I was still exhausted from the long flight but as I was walking to the hotel with Zach and Brad, I heard yelling. I could recognise that voice from anywhere. It was James.
I walked over to whre the noise was coming from only to see James and Jai yelling at eachother. James then shoved Jai so Jai shoved him back. Just as James was about to throw a punch, I quickly pushed him back. I couldn't even comprehend what was going on myself but I didn't want anyone to get hurt.
James and Jai looked at me completely shocked. 
"um, I'll er leave. We can talk later." said Jai awkwardly walking away.
"Inayah.." James started.
"You don't have to say anything." I said quickly turning around trying to avoid the situation I was in. James quickly grabbed my hand however and pulled me back to him.
"Iyanah, please hear me out. you probably won't believe me but I'm still madly in love with you. That night we broke up, I came to look for you. You weren't there. looked everywhere for you but I couldn't find you. I called everyone I knew. I figured that you hated me. I was a dick. I thought that maybe you would never give me another chance after what I did. I truly am sorry. We don't have to get back together, well you probably don't even like me but I just wanted you to know this. I still love you Inayah. I wish I had the chance to tell you this before."
Without a second thought, I kissed James. "I'm still in love with you too James. That night, I left..." I started "I went back to England. To my home. I thought that our relationship ended for the best. I thought you hated me. One more thing. That night we broke up, I found out I was pregnant. With your baby. I swear I was going to tell you but we broke up. I didn't think you'd want to raise the baby with me. There was no way I was going to get an abortion. I decided to raise it myself."
James was silent for a moment but the a few seconds later spoke up.
"Is he here with you?" 
I nodded my head and as if on queue, Brad came around the corner with him and put Zach in James' arms. He then walked off leaving me and James to talk. I mouthed a 'thank you' to him and gave him the 'I'll explain later look'.
"He looks just like you" I said smilling. 
"He does doesn't he." James said. "That guy is just a friend right?" James said his jealous side kicking in.
"Yes that's Brad and he's just a friend."
"Well in that case. Inayah will you please take me back. I know what I did to you was-"
I cut him off by giving him a kiss minding Zach in his arms. James instantly kissed back and I felt the exact same sparks as before.
"I love you so much Inayah" He said.
"I love you too James" I replied.

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