Bad boy Imagines♡

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You were walking through an empty park in the middle of the night because you wanted to get your mind off the fight you had with your boyfriend.

You felt like someone was following you but you just shrugged it off and cotinued walking. You were shivering because you were just wearing red plaid pyjama bottoms, a black baggy pyjama top and your black uggs. You decided to walk back home but just as you moved someone grabbed your elbow roughly and pulled you into the corner of the park. You couldn't see who it was but judging by the way he was walking, you guessed he was drunk. You tried to cut loose from his tight grip but he was too strong for your weak arms. He pushed you forcefully against the brick wall. You winced. He put his hand across your mouth and said

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, it's your choice bitch. You talk or scream, and I'll slit your throat" he said displaying his knife to you. As you were nodding, he started kissing you forcefully and roughly, You didn't kiss back. Even though your boyfriend and you got into a fight, you loved him and would never cheat on him.

When you didn't kiss back, he pulled your top off leaving you in your bra. You were now in tears. He slapped you and told you to stop crying. That's going to leave a big, red mark you thought. A loud shout cut you off your thoughts.

"Get off of her, you motherfucker, before I rearrange your face". The man dropped the knife but didn't step away from me. You looked carefully and realised it was your boyfriend. He was now beating the crap out of the guy who tried to rape you.

"That's enough" You said tugging on his hoodie still in tears. He noticed you crying and instantly you saw that his eyes softened. He came up to you, took his hoodie off and then wrapped it around you.

"It's alright baby" He cooed.

"I love you (h/n), thank you for saving me."

"Anything for my princess" He said as he kissed you passionately. He wiped your tears away and you walked hand in hand, away from the pervy pedophile, back home.


Hey, thank you so much for getting these imagines up to 100 reads. I am so grateful.


<3 xoxoxooxxoxoxox

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