For Margarita:)

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Hope you like it<3

Your POV-
I said goodbye to my best friend Katie and her boyfriend Josh before grabbing my books out of my locker and walking up to class. It always gets to me how I always have to third wheel with them. There's a guy called Jake who I've had a crush on for so long and he just happens to be Ben's best friend. What am I thinking though- it would never happen. He's a bad boy. I'm a just a nerd to him- it would never work.  He's always rude and cocky to everyone (including me) but I don't know. I guess I just really really like him.
I kept on walking and just I was about to enter the classroom, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Jake. 
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn-" I said really fast before Jake cut me off
"Relax it's fine Margarita". He replied.
We both walked into class and I walked to the back of the class kind of embarrassed. I took a seat but just as I was about to put my bag on the chair next to me, Jake pulls the chair out smiling and then takes the seat next to me.
"I hope you don't mind babe." He says.
"It's fine" I say. By this point I think my cheeks are burning red. I try to hide my face but I see him trying to look at my face getting closer.
As if on queue, the teacher walks in putting his things on his desk and begins the lesson. I was so glad. 
"So class, you're going to have three assignments. All of which are going to be paired work. You will be working with the student sitting next to you with for all three.
Jake looked to me and smiled when her said this. I returned the smile.
"Mr Smithson, that's not fair. Jake gets Margarita. She's the only one that knows what we're doing. Let me work with her..." a boy called Ben in my class said "...who knows maybe I can get her in bed too she seems easy." he said muttering the last part thinking no-one would hear. Tears started escaping my eyes. Jake noticed.
"Mate, what did you just say?" Jake got up and walked over to Ben.
"I said she seems easy to get into bed. You're a-" Jake cut him off by punching him hard in the face a couple times. Mr Smithson ran over and broke off the fight. I ran over to Jake and pulled him out of the classroom.
"No let go, I'm not finished with him." He said trying to get free. I wiped my tears and said
"Jake please stop. You didn't have to go do that. Do you know how much trouble-" He cut me off by kissing my lips softly and cupping my cheeks. Slowly we both pulled apart.
"What was that for?" I asked. 
"I really like you Margarita." He said looking into my eyes.
"I like-"
"Yeah I know, I heard. So, will you please be my girlfriend." He asked his eyes filled with hope.
"Yes of course I will Jake." I said 
He then kissed me again.

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