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jeon jeongguk x kim taehyung

in which 17 years old jeongguk becomes
15 years old taehyung's hero

warnings: boyxboy, angst, topgguk, bottomtae, namjin, jihope, mention of alcohol, best friends to lovers.

this story is purely fictional and made up by me. i own the plot, storyline and personalities, but (sadly) not the bts members themselves (credits to their moms, they created angels)

Ⓒilovespriteu 2021/22

7th october 2027

"darling, c'mon, we're already late," a frustrated jeongguk calls for his husband from downstairs, looking at the watch on his wrist. they have only a few minutes left to drive off in order to be on time at their grandma's home.

"five minutes more please!" he hears the younger shout from upstairs. he messages his temple, before deciding to go up the stairs and check up on what his husband taehyung is doing.

"what does it take you so long, granny is probably already waiting." jeongguk steps into their bedroom, finding the male standing in front of their closet.

"i don't know which sweater to wear. the yellow one she made for me, or the red one." a cute pout makes its way to taehyung's lips as he holds both sweaters up for the older male to inspect. jeongguk smiles at that, he could never shut up about taehyung's cuteness.

"you'll look good in both, just pick one," he says, sitting on the edge of their shared bed, watching him fondly.

"that's why, i can't choose!" taehyung throws both sweaters frustratedly to the ground.

jeongguk chuckles. taehyung has always been dramatic, but he never complains, he's utterly whipped and thinks everything taehyung does is adorable in some way.

"kay, just wear the yellow one, you are pretty in everything, but i especially like bright colours on you." jeongguk gets up to grab the sweater and hand it to his husband, who smiles and pecks his cheek. "thanks!"

jung ayeong. so the name of the woman they are about to visit. she wasn't their real grandma, but she raised taehyung, as the boy's parents had left him on her doorstep shortly after his birth.

she had been living in europe for a few years and only remembers taehyung and jeongguk as two bratty teenagers and not the married couple they are today. after all this time she is back in south korea now. what should be mentioned is, that this woman doesn't care about age. not at all. in both taehyung's and jeongguk's eyes, she is the most energetic person they know.

jeongguk has suggested to visit her, which taehyung immediately agreed to.

the couple is freshly married, two months have passed by since their wedding and they have a lot to catch up with taehyung's grandma.

like a lot lot. they have kept everything from her and promised her to fill in the gaps of knowledge she has.

after a fifteen minutes car drive, the jeon couple arrives at their destination, feeling happier than ever.

the smaller and younger male rings on the doorbell, fidgeting on the spot in happiness and jeongguk places his hands on his shoulders, stopping him from starting to jump around, calming him down.

with a wide smile, ayeong welcomes them, a surge of pure euphoria running through her veins by seeing her beloved grandchildren again.

"you grew up so much." she pecks taehyung's cheek first, then jeongguk's, who smiles widely as he has missed her just as much.

"come in babies."

"i really missed you calling us that," taehyung giggles, while putting his coat off, taking jeongguk's too, to hang them on the jacket stand.

"granny, you've become even more beautiful after your stay in europe," jeongguk says, cupping her cheeks and squishing them, to which she pouted. "i've become older and still am beautiful. get your hands off of me and come in already, we're still standing in the doorway," she says, turning on her heels and walking inside again.

"she hasn't changed at all," jeongguk whispers and taehyung nods. "seems so."

the small family now sits on the dining table, digging into their food. "it's delicious, nana," taehyung says and his grandma smiles. "i know dear," she responds, wo which taehyung rolls his eyes and jeongguk bites back a laughter.

"i can't believe you two just married," the woman spoke, which just lightened up the atmosphere even more.

"yes finally," jeongguk smiles. they really have gone through many ups and downs.

"show me the rings," taehyung's grandma says excitedly and both males extend their hand for her to look at the pretty golden rings. "so beautiful," she whispers, grabbing both their hands.

"c'mon babies, tell me everything," the elder woman demands to which the couple smiles with blushing cheeks.

it isn't like they didn't want to tell her about their whole relationship. it's more like they forgot to, minds running to everywhere but her. a lot had happened until they became the married couple they are today.

ayeong had got to know about them being in a relationship shortly after they vowed each other as their fiancés. she was surprised to hear that they would marry only a week later and sadly she couldn't attend the wedding.

and now, she wants to know every little detail in what happened.

the reason why? you'll find out about it.

"so how did you two really meet, i don't believe jeongguk fell down the stairs in school." she raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms, leaning back in her chair.

jeongguk laughs and looks to taehyung, who smiles fondly at him and takes his hand in his.

"no, we actually met... when 17 years old jeongguk saved my life."

and taehyung and jeongguk continue to tell their story.


here i am, once again. i don't know if anyone still remembers this book, but yeah, i'm republishing it. i had a huge, like HUGE, plot hole for this story and i had months of not knowing how to continue this book, which is why i took it down. but i found a way and am now excited to share it with you.

thank you so much for being here and i hope you'll enjoy it!

love you<3

published: 27/05/2021
republished: 22/05/2022

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