6. keep it to yourself

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two weeks later

"ha, i overtook you!" taehyung mocked, pressing down on the buttons of the wii-controller. after jeongguk was sure of taehyung's almost everyday-stay in the hospital with him, he asked his older brother to bring a second controller, so that the two of them can play together.

after hearing taehyung say that, jeongguk smirked. the smaller male still sucked at that game, but seeing and hearing the brunet so happy was worth letting him win.

"I WON!" taehyung shouted excitedly once the game ended. a chuckle left jeongguk's lips as he saw the ranking of the players. "you didn't, you're place seven."

"but you're on nine! i won against you, that's all that matters." boxy smile back on display, taehyung reached over to the cupboard next to the hospital bed and took a piece of chocolate. "now i deserve to eat this baby." he felt cool while saying that, even cooler when he happily chewed down on the sweet treat.

jeongguk just watched him amused, never getting enough of the younger's adorableness. it's been two weeks and a few days since the two high schoolers have met, or at least got to know each other, since they go to the same school already and probably passed each other there.

the ravenette never thought he could be able to build up a friendship with someone younger than him. see it this way, jeongguk doesn't have any friends in school. besides taehyung now.

his friends were always his two hyungs- seokjin and namjoon.

they were the only ones he spends time with, the only ones he enjoys spending time with. sure, there are people at school that he sometimes hangs out with, bust most of the time it's just them playing basketball in the school yard.

usually, jeongguk rather isolates himself from other students his age. or younger.

but suddenly he found fun in spending time with taehyung- not that he doubted that before.

it was just surprising.

"so ggukie..." taehyung squinted his eyes a little daringly, and jeongguk raised an eyebrow, noticing that the younger was hiding something behind his back.

"what is?" jeongguk asked, trying to peak behind the brunet and see what he is hiding, though all in vain, as taehyung rolled down the bed.

"unfair, you know i can't follow you." jeongguk pouted and taehyung giggled, looking at the pipes and bandages on jeongguk. "i know and i'm glad."

"you're enjoying this too much," jeongguk scoffed, taehyung shrugged.

"so, excited to see what i'm hiding?" taehyung, tippled around the whole white room, not giving jeongguk any chance to see the hidden item behind the 15-years-old's back.

"tell me."

"ta-da!" taehyung said with a wide grin as he pulled out- "a book?" jeongguk questioned, rather annoyed.

"no, no, no, this is actually my favorite book." taehyung walked back to the older's bed, ignoring his unimpressed expression. "ggukie... i want to read a little for you."

that surprised the 17-years-old. "what, why?"

taehyung bit his lip. "i feel like... you won't judge me when i tell you that i read romances." jeongguk tilted his head, amazed. he expected taehyung to be someone who is into adventures, or supernatural plots, but romances were quite surprising.

but, even though it's surprising, he doesn't judge. never would.

"do others judge you because of the books you read?"

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