19. cheesy

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taehyung felt his heart drop after hearing jeongguk say that, his mind going blank for a second.

"w-what?" he felt dumb for asking that, because he heard him clearly, but what else was there to answer anyways? so completely tensed up, he just stood there, looking at jeongguk with unbelieving eyes, while the older's hands still rested on his hips.

but the tension disappeared when jeongguk began laughing and removed his hands from the younger's body. "i'm joking, tae. you should've seen your expression!" he laughed and taehyung didn't know if he found it that funny, but he laughed along, not wanting to make it awkward.

"you shouldn't do that again," he scoffed, turning back to the stove, where he turned it off and also finally put the pot of noodles aside. once again, he froze for a second, when jeongguk placed his hands back around him.

"oh, c'mon, you like that don't you?"

taehyung rolled his eyes by jeongguk's mocking tone, nonetheless the butterflies wouldn't let him live in piece. "you're annoying."

"oh there it is, your favorite insult," the older chuckled against his neck, sending a vibration through taehyung's whole body. "let me go, gguk. i need to get the plates," taehyung ordered, but the older didn't let go, instead tightened his hold.

"wait, this is comfortable, let's stay like this." taehyung felt a shoot of warmth go through his whole body, spreading to the very ends of his veins. he couldn't deny- this was comfortable. jeongguk always was where taehyung had found his comfort.

a small smile tucked on his lips, as he turned around in jeongguk's hold to hug him back. "it indeed is very comfortable," he admitted, making jeongguk smile as both closed their eyes, saying nothing, savoring the feeling of being in each other arms. "but the noodles will get cold."

"the noodles could be frozen and i wouldn't care. i like this much more anyways." the ravenette said, making taehyung giggle. "cheesiness doesn't suit you, jeon."

"oh, but i know it does," he chuckled, earning another eyeroll from taehyung. "so full of yourself."

"i mean, who wouldn't be if they were me? i'm perfect."

taehyung couldn't say anything to that, but to internally agree with what he said. he is jeon jeongguk- there is nothing to say more to that.

"but so are you." taehyung looked up surprised by that to see jeongguk was already looking at him with a fond expression.

taehyung didn't want to show the affect this had on him, but he knows his cheeks must be tomato-red. "you're so chee-

"not when it's the truth. you are perfect, taehyung. the most beautiful boy i have ever seen, inside-out," jeongguk placed a small kiss to his forehead, "remember that, okay?"

lost at words by everything that just happened, taehyung just stared at him for a while. he didn't know how to react, only gave a small nod of his head. he softly placed his hands on top of jeongguks, pulling them down. "thanks... i'm gonna prepare our food then, you can call nana already if you wanna."

"i think, i'll just wait for you." the raven jumped up to sit on the counter next to taehyung, smiling sweetly while taehyung did the plating, now feeling like having to do his best since jeongguk was watching.

hold up.

that was new too.

bottom lip resting between his teeth, taehyung finished plating the food, trying to ignore jeongguk's stare as he carried the two plates to the table. "take a seat, bun, i'll get my phone to call nana," he said as he rushed out of the kitchen and to the living room where he had left his phone.

he walked back to the room and jeongguk was already sitting and waiting for him. "this looks delicious, you should cook more often."

the blue haired shrugged. "i always watched nana cook." he took the place next to the ravenette and leaned his phone against a mug, before calling his grandma on facetime. she picked up almost immediately. "oh my babies! how are you?"

eventually the three ended up talking three hours more, in the mean time the boys had finished their food and cleaned the table, not once did they break the call. seeing that it was already late in korea, the call slowly came to an end and they bid their goodbyes. taehyung hung up the call and took his phone.

"she's so talk active," he chuckled and jeongguk smiled at that. "she is the best," he added, watching taehyung yawn. "you're tired, we should go to sleep-

"no!" taehyung butted in, stopping jeongguk who was about to get up. "we planned to watch a movie, didn't we?"

"tae, that was before we had a three hour call
with our grandma. you are tired, i can see that," there was small worry in his voice, but taehyung stayed stubborn, determined to stay up.

"bub, you looked so tired at school today, you need to take a rest," he tried it again, but taehyung just pouted not moving from his spot. "i can also watch the movie without you."

"that would be half as much fun as with me tho," the ravenette snickered, making taehyung scoff, but yeah, he was right.

"anyways, you can go to sleep-

"taehyung, i'm being serious, you need to go to sleep." jeongguk shifted closer to the younger and pinched his nose, to which the boy let out a loud cry. "ow, you asshole," he pouted.

jeongguk rolled his eyes. "now, c'mon get up."

"no." taehyung crossed his arms, pouting more.

"stop pouting."

"or what?" taehyung hissed back with a mocking undertone, but what happened next just knocked the air out of his lungs.

jeongguk had pulled him on his lap, holding his hips.

"because... i might have to kiss you then."


0-100 real quick haha

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