13. hangover soup

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head throbbing, taehyung woke up from a deep slumber, a soft groan leaving his plump lips as he tried to sit up with a spinning head.

warily, he opened his eyes, waiting for his view to adjust to the bright light shining through the window into the room, until he finally could see clearly. his breath hitched, noticing this wasn't jimin's and his dormroom.

from that moment on, his heart suddenly began thudding against his ribcage- he doesn't remember anything from the night before, just that he drank a little and now he woke up in an unfamiliar room.

taehyung slowly tried to get up, but halted the moment he heard the door unlocking. nervously and a little scared, he just waited for the door to open and to see who is going to enter.

something like a relieved sigh build up in his throat, as he could make out the figure of his best friend in the door frame. the relief was gone as quickly as it came when he noticed the light glare on the other's features and heard him slam the door shut. taehyung flinched.

"you're up?" jeongguk said, walking towards taehyung, his eyebrows still furrowed to a light glare.

"i-is something wrong-

"tell me, is there? do you remember what happened yesterday?" again, taehyung flinched by jeongguk's unfamiliar harsh tone and he looked down, shaking his head.

jeongguk sighed, expression softening. "lay back down, bub, your head must hurt."

taehyung did as instructed and let jeongguk place his hand on his forehead.

"you're mad," taehyung pointed out the obvious, head still throbbing in pain, making him fight the urge to groan.

jeongguk glanced into taehyung's eyes fore a few seconds, before looking back, chewing on his lip. "i'm not mad."

taehyung looked up, eyes searching and then finding jeongguk's and he wondered what could have been the cause of the older to be so stressed. and why couldn't taehyung remember what happened, was he that drunk?

"i'm sorry for drinking too much..." he mumbled, brushing with his left hand against his right shoulder.

"next time you go to a party, inform me, taehyung," jeongguk suddenly hissed, causing taehyung to take a sharp breath.

jeongguk got up again and grabbed what he had placed on the small cupboard next to the door when he entered the room. "i brought hangover soup." he pulled a box out of the brown paper back, together with a spoon.

a frown build up on taehyung's face, jeongguk was so quiet, so reluctant- he had never been this way around him. "jeongguk... did i do something yesterday-

"taehyung, please... don't talk, just eat the soup." he handed the still warm soup to the younger male, who couldn't help the uncomfortable feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.

"yeah, okay.." he whispered, looking down.

jeongguk watched him eat the soup, heart not being able to stop running wild inside of him since yesterday. sure, taehyung was under the influence of alcohol, but... aren't drunk words, sober thoughts?

and do actions count to them?

taehyung hesitantly ate the soup, thoughts running wild, he desperately wanted to know what happened for jeongguk to act this way. he hadn't smiled at all since the moment he entered the room and that is something so unusual.

by the time taehyung finished the soup, the headache slowly vanished, it was still there but more bearable than before, yet he could remember literally nothing besides the fact that jimin left for the bathroom and he took another drink.

he put the now empty box aside and looked to jeongguk, slowly scooting closer to him. "gguk..." he placed his hand on the older's shoulder. jeongguk closed his eyes for a moment, before placing his hand on top of taehyung's, pulling it down from his shoulder, but not letting go of it.

"you're so dumb, you never drank before, what did you think? you were really drunk yesterday."

taehyung didn't know this information would cause his chest to tighten. he knew he must have been drunk, otherwise why wouldn't he remember what happened anymore?

"i'm sorry i just wanted to try it out-

"try it out? jimin told you to wait! why did you drink without him, or me! do you know how dangerous that can be?" jeongguk tightened his hold on the younger's hand.

taehyung looked down. "you're exaggerating, what could've happened? there were only people from our college-

"taehyung," jeongguk almost gritted out, "you don't know how parties work- literally anyone could have taken advantage of your drunk state! you even almost fell into someone's trap-

"what?!" taehyung's eyes widened.

jeongguk tightened his fists. "you were drunk and... somehow you ended up dancing alone in the middle of all these drunk people and fuck, tae, you don't know how gorgeous you are and how many of them had their eyes glued to you!"

taehyung eyed him with shocked, wide eyes. "m-me?"

jeongguk looked away, anger visibly running through him as he thinks about the day prior. "yes, you! you need to be more careful, parties like this are no joke."

taehyung was speechless. "what happened?"

jungkook's jaw tightened. "nothing. there was this guy trying to have his way on you and you seemed to be into it. i saw you and got you."

there was so much more that happened after, but jeongguk wasn't sure if mentioning it would do taehyung good.

tears were burning in taehyung's eyes, as all he felt was disgusted by himself. he had never expected that something like this would happen to him- that he'd do something like this.

he pulled his knees to his chest, hugging them. "i-i'm so sorry.."

jeongguk closed his eyes, trying to even his breathing again. "don't apologize.. you should know your limits, tae. don't drink more than one drink and not when you're alone. people love to take advantage of pretty boys, half of the people in the party were older than you. it just infuriates me how he dared to touch you and- and i wished i had been there earlier and could've noticed your state."

taehyung hid his faces between his knees. "i'm s-so sorry...i'm so disgusting.."

jeongguk sighed softly, wrapping his arms cautiously around the other's smaller frame. "you're not disgusting, don't think low of yourself. you were under the influence of alcohol for the first time. i'm glad i found you in time."

taehyung let go of his knees, hugging jeongguk back. "i'm so sorry, gguk, i'm a horrible-

"shhh, babyboy, don't say that."

taehyung's eyes shoot wide open. "babyboy?"

jeongguk couldn't hide the curve of his lips on one side. "isn't that what you wanted me to call you yesterday?"


blessing your time line with the cutest picture to ever exist :(

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blessing your time line with the cutest picture to ever exist :(

have a nice day!

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