15. tell me

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his clothes were getting heavier and heavier, collecting all the water the rain would pour on him, but still, he didn't care and continued trotting around the huge ass campus. by now he began feeling a little cold, his sensitive nose also running a little, but he didn't want to go inside yet. what would be the difference anyways?

he wasn't in the mood of going to his dormroom and stay there in this tight place. outside just seemed so much more comforting.

a shiver ran down his spine, goosebumps began to form on his skin, his body was screaming at him to find a warm place. but he wouldn't. he just didn't feel like it. being outside in the rain felt so right, something he should've done earlier.

but abruptly, the rain stopped pouring on taehyung, though when he looked froward, he could still see the kristalline raindrops falling to the ground. confused, he looked up, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw the fabric of an black umbrella above him. with a swift move, the blue haired boy turned around, getting met with two familiar dark eyes, the owner being the one holding the umbrella.

"wh-what are you doing here?" taehyung asked surprised, stepping closer to jeongguk, pulling the umbrella with him to cover the now soaked raven with it too. standing face to face under the umbrella, jeongguk finally broke the silence. "you should dye your hair again, your roots have grown out," he mocked and taehyung rolled his eyes, as a grin formed on both his and jeongguk's lips.

"wait hold the umbrella for a second," jeongguk said passing the umbrella to taehyung, who then watched jeongguk taking of his jacket. "are you dumb, put it back on-- it's cold," taehyung said, trying to hold the umbrella in the best way so jeongguk won't get touched by the rain more.

the raven scoffed. "exactly," he wrapped the jacket around taehyung's shoulders, "it's cold and you're freezing. what are you doing outside when it's pouring like this?"

for a few seconds, taehyung literally was frozen on the spot, trying to process what had just happened. with flushed cheeks, he turned to look down, away from jeongguk. "how are you here?"

jeongguk grabbed taehyung by his waist, pulling him slightly closer so they would fit both under the umbrella. maybe, taehyung forgot how to breathe for a moment, heart suddenly picking up a faster pace.

"i was in my room and saw you outside through the window. you'll get sick, tae, let's go inside, hoseok is not here, we can go to my room and i'll give you my clothes, and..." he didn't stop talking, but taehyung stopped listening. he was unable to, heart overwhelmed with the whole situation and the close proximity.

and then the reason why he even made the decision to go outside crossed his mind.
"gguk, if we go inside, are you gonna tell me what happened yesterday?" he just so suddenly asked. jeongguk's lips parted, but closed instantly and he just nodded. "sure."

taehyung was now sitting cross-legged on jeongguk's bed, clothed in a large hoodie and a little big sweatpants of said raven, a small towel was swung around his neck, preventing for the droplets of water to fall of his hair and wetten his clothes, while he was holding a hot mug of tea with his sweater pawed hands. he had just taken a warm shower as jeongguk had forced him to and was now waiting for the raven to come back, since he was now taking a shower.

taehyung sipped on his vanilla tea, despite it being summer, he felt cold. it was obvious that this was the outcome of him walking through the icy rain.

not long later, jeongguk came back, also dressed in sweatpants and a black short sleeve shirt, while he brushed a white towel through his charcoal black hair.

once his eyes settled on taehyung, he let go of the towel and sat down next to him on the bed. "are you cold?"

taehyung thought about shaking his head, but where would it bring him? he was freezing. "yeah, a little maybe."

jeongguk pulled the blanket of his bed up, gesturing taehyung to get under it, which the younger then did. "you shouldn't go out in the rain. how long were you outside?"

"not so long." that was a lie, but taehyung doesn't want to worry jeongguk.

"why didn't you take an umbrella, you knew it was raining," jeongguk asked softly and taehyung shrugged.

"it calmed me. i needed this, to sort thoughts and stuff," he said it as if it was the most normal thing.

"i just hope you're not gonna catch a cold-

"gguk, i know something happened yesterday. why aren't you telling me what the hell was going on?" taehyung interrupted him and jeongguk instantly went silent.

"it's not that important, you just said some dumb stuff." jeongguk adjusted his position next to taehyung, their shoulders touching now.

taehyung gulped, wondering what he could've said. he just hopes he said nothing that could expose the hidden feelings towards jeongguk.

"what did i say?"

jeongguk visibly tensed. "n-nothing important. you just began clinging onto me like a koala and told me to call you 'babyboy'." taehyung looked at jeongguk, was that it?

"is that all?" he hopes so, because that would he relieving.

jeongguk shrugged, "you also began crying and told me not to leave you."

"oh, yeah that sounds like me," taehyung giggled, nudging jeongguk's shoulder, who smiled lightly. "indeed," he responded, "i'd never leave you."

taehyung smiled happily and then began to laugh. "gosh, i'm relieved, i thought i did something more serious," he said, as he leaned more into the soft fabric of jeongguk's bed.

"yeah, because grinding onto some random dude is nothing serious-

"okay, that was surprising. i never thought i'd do something like this," he laughed, causing jeongguk to smile just more as he hadn't heard the younger's laughter the whole day.

"damn that alcohol, don't take what i said serious, unless you really wanna call me babyboy," he laughed again, jeongguk went silent though.

"i gladly call you that," the ravenette teased, tickling taehyung's sides. the blue haired squirmed, lightly, trying to hold his laughter back to not give jeongguk the satisfaction of succeeding with his tickling.

once jeongguk stopped, taehyung took a deep breath, a pout instantly forming on his lips. "don't do that again."

"as you wish, babyboy."

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