8. bye

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUNNY!" taehyung barged into jeongguk's hospital room, causing the ravenette to shout out a loud startled 'fuck', as he removed his headset from his head and put it on the counter next to the bed.

"you scared me shitless," he said, but instantly got tackled into a warm hug right after. taehyung sat on jeongguk's bed, arms tightly wrapped around his neck, careful not to hurt him anywheree.

jeongguk shook his head with a smile, hugging the younger back.

"happy birthday... can't believe you're an adult now," taehyung whispered.

"thank you, tiger."

it was two weeks later, first day of september and jeongguk's eighteenth birthday.

"i have a gift for you," taehyung said, crawling down from the bed and grabbing the paper bag that he had previously placed next to the door. "close your eyes, yeah?"

so did jeongguk and excitedly waited for taehyung to give him his present. the younger took the things he bought and made for jeongguk and tippled back to the bed, jumping on it, next to jeongguk. "open you eyes." the brunette said.


taehyung giggled as jeongguk examined the package and the disc inside. "my best friend's uncle knows someone."

jeongguk smiled gratefully, ruffling taehyung's hair. "thank you so much, buddy."

taehyung nodded, but then nibbled on his lip. "i have another present too. i don't know if you'll like it though, because it's maybe a little childish... euhm yeah."

jeongguk put the video game aside and shifted in his place so that he was turned to the younger who was obviously nervous. the brunet slowly pulled a necklace with mismatching pearls out of the paper bag. the pearls were in different shades of yellows and greens and there was no concept or order, but that was what made it so unique.

jeongguk eyed the accessory with fond eyes, smiling. "did you make that?"

with reddened cheeks, taehyung nodded shyly.

"will you put it on me?" jeongguk asked and taehyung's eyes widened, a happy glint appearing in them. "you like it?"

"i love it." usually, jeongguk wasn't the type to wear much jewelry, if it wasn't for silver earrings and rings, but seeing taehyung so happy, he will never put this necklace off.

heart beating fast in joy, taehyung moved to the side, so that he was sitting behind jeongguk and put him the bracelet on. "i'm glad you like it." taehyung back hugged the older male who chuckled, turning around.

"thank you, bub. i will cherish this forever."

"oh...okay." taehyung didn't know why he suddenly was so flustered by that.

"yo, taetae, can we go to yours today. i need to tell you and grans something," jimin said, swinging his arm around his younger best friend.

taehyung bit his lip, "yeah, o-of course." he actually wanted to spend the night at the hospital again, because it's jeongguk's birthday. he feels bad to decline jimin though, as he had been doing it so often already in the past months. jeongguk was his secret, but only because the fifteen years old doesn't want the people who love him to find out that he almost got hit by a car due to his recklessness. "i just have to make a quick call."

so he did, taking his phone out when he was out of hearing range from jimin and called jeongguk, telling him he won't come over tonight, but will do anything to do that the day after. jeongguk of course understood, telling him to not hassle himself by always going to the hospital to just meet him. taehyung had disagreed and told him how much he loves spending time with him and that he wished to be there for jeongguk's birthday.

"finished?" jimin asked when taehyung walked back to him. the brunet nodded, then started walking along side his best friend.

"so... this is really important and, i hate to tell you this like that." sitting on the dining table with taehyung and his grandma, jimin began talking.

"did something happen, honey?" ayeong questioned, eyeing jimin worriedly.

jimin smiled sadly. "i'm moving... out of seoul."

taehyung's mouth gaped instantly, eyes beginning to sting instantly. "f-for real?"

jimin nodded. "my dad found a better job in busan-

"that's so far..." the woman on the table said, looking at taehyung with a sympathetic look, the boy looking so down.

"i... know," jimin sighed, his eyes filling with tears too.

"b-but you will forever be my best friend?" taehyung whisper-asked quietly and jimin's eyes crinkled as he smiled. "of course, tae. you are my soulmate and will forever be."

that made taehyung feel more at ease, a smile forming on his lips. "when are you leaving?"

expression saddening even more than before, jimin looked to taehyung. "t-tomorrow."

"what?!" taehyung jumped up, the tears he had held back before escaping his eyes now. "a-already?"

ayeong was shocked too, internally wishing she had known about it before, so that she couldn've made jimin's favorite food for his last evening at their house.

"i'm sorry for.. telling you so late."

taehyung jumped up and ran around the table to hug jimin tightly. "i will miss you so much," he cried, feeling so empty by the thought of jimin being so far now.

the older smiled, hugging the brunet back, brushing his hands through his hair. "i already miss you and grans so much. thank you for everything."

"boy, don't thank me like this, that sounds like we won't see each other again, but hell
nah, i will drag your ass back to seoul by myself if needed," ayeong scoffed, crossing her arms and jimin and taehyung both stared at her for a moment, before bursting out into giggles, already used to her talking like that. "we can visit him too, right?"

"of course we will" she also got up and walk towards them, giving both boys a kiss on the forehead.

taehyung had too many thoughts running through his head. he wanted to cry, but also hated it. he hates crying, he prefers to be happy, and smile. that's how he usually sees the world- positive.

but right now, as he laid in his bed, attempting to sleep, he couldn't let the thought go, that he won't be able to see jimin that often anymore. he was his soulmate.

his heart ached, when the two had to bid their goodbyes to each other. taehyung had pleaded to him and asked him to stay overnight, but he found out the blond will leave right tomorrow in the morning and he wasn't finished with packing yet.

taehyung hated it.

and suddenly, he had to think about jeongguk. only the thought of him made him forget a slight bit of his pain, but at the same time it strengthened it, when he remembers it was still jeongguk's birthday and he couldn't even spend it with him.

he glanced at his phone to see the time, furrowing his eyebrows, when he saw it was almost 10pm.

he had tried to sleep, but he knew he couldn't. so why not use this time to at least be able to see one of his two beat friends?

he quickly got up and packed the things needed for the next day in a backpack, before writing a note to his grandma, telling her, that he'll be leaving earlier tomorrow morning, because he's going to the library before school.

that was a lie though. he knows she's already sleeping and hopes that she will find this note tomorrow and not worry where her grandchild is.

and that's how taehyung, for the first time in his entire life, sneaked out of his home, in the middle of the night, to spend jeongguk's last two hours of birthday with him.

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