28. just busy

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"and then he said i am annoying and petty, can you believe that. we've been a couple for almost three years now and he still isn't used to my attitude. like i know i can be annoying but you don't have to tell me that. why is he so cute when he complains though— hey are you even listening to me?"

taehyung finally looked up from his phone, facing jimin with a confused look, not having listened to him at all. jimin sighed and looked at the contact that the younger had open on the screen.

"you're still checking if he texted?" the blond grumbled, taking the younger's phone away. "hey, give me that back!" taehyung spoke, visible tears in his eyes.

"tae, i'm not trying to be an asshole, but it's been almost a week since he hadn't texted you, me or even your grandma. that asshole probably forget about us. I told you he's no good—"

taehyung looked down, his brown hair covering his eyes. "he isn't an asshole chim. something he's probably busy with work."

three years passed ever since jeongguk moved to busan and was officially announced as the ceo of 'jeon publication'. everything was rainbow and unicorns, taehyung and him had a healthy long-distance relationship, texting and calling everyday, everytime. they met less than jeongguk had promised, but taehyung didn't care at that point, because he knew how busy his boyfriend was. he basically had no free time and taehyung understood if he decided to rest on his free days instead of coming to seoul. but when he did, it was magical. they would spend every second of their two-time going out, or just cuddling— jimin got frustrated over the fact how they stick to each other like glue and can't keep their hands off the other.

however taehyung hasn't heard of him for a long time now. it's been almost a week, but he was still waiting for a response from jeongguk. he continues to tell himself that jungkook won't break the other promises he made. he'll text him for sure. he's just busy.

"taehyung.. i know you love him and you miss him, but you can't pretend like he wasn't distancing himself. you felt it too, his text became dry and—

"please shut up, he is probably just busy and will answer once he has time, yeah? don't worry about that." taehyung smiled warmly and put his phone away, before collecting his stuff and packing it into his bag.

"where are you going?" jimin questioned, watching taehyung pack his stuff. "i'm gonna send my first draft to a small publishing firm here in seoul. i might get a chance there." jimin's eyes lit up excitedly. "this is amazing tae!"

it has always been a dream for the young boy to someday write his own book. taehyung had used the last three years with writing his own roman and he was finally content with it and excited to send it to a publishing firm that can make his dreams come true.

"see you later chim!" the 21-years- old stormed out of the small flat that he and his best friend share, a wide smile gracing his lips as he was excited to hand in his manuscript.

"this needs to be celebrated!" jimin squealed popping a champagne once taehyung stepped into their flat two hours later.

taehyung chuckled, shaking his head, while putting his shoes off. "chim, i'll get a response in a week, there's nothing settled yet."

"but i read it! and i know for sure that you will be accepted and then i can flex around that my soulmate is an author!" a rosy blush crept to taehyung's cheeks.

an author.

it would be a dream-come-true for taehyung if he gets announced as accepted. he can't wait to finish his own, first book, publish it and read reviews.

he also can't wait for him to be able to read his book to jeongguk. while jimin and ayeong have read taehyung's whole book, jeongguk was lucky enough to read a few extract. well, taehyung had read them to him. he doesn't know that it's taehyung's own book though.

the plot of the story is special.

kind of starts with a car crash and then two best friends falling in love.

taehyung doesn't want jeongguk to know about the whole plot yet, wanting to surprise him when he gets accepted.

it always made him smile when jungkook asked taehyung daily if he could read for him over the phone. that reduced though over the last few months, they'd still text, still call, but not as constant as before. and jeongguk's responses would be shorter, dry, until he stopped completely answering a month ago. taehyung wouldn't admit that he is scared that jeongguk gave up on him.

it was obvious how jeongguk suddenly changed, he wouldn't contact taehyung as much as before and whenever taehyung called, all he heard was the mailbox. it worries him— it scares him. the thought about a long distance relationship never seemed that tough to him, until he didn't hear anything from his boyfriend anymore.

"what will happen if they accept you?" jimin asked, half drunkly. taehyung laughed lightly, he didn't drink much, not a fan of it. "well, they're a small firm and if my draft is as magnificent as i hope it is, they're transfer me to bigger companies."

"such as gguk's?"

taehyung was about to take a sip of his glass, but halted, putting it down again. "yeah, such as jeongguk's."

jeon publishing firm. jeongguk wasn't that surprised to find out that his surname was his real surname and also the name of his family's company. what surprised him more was the fact it was a publishing firm, for articles and books. it excited him, reminding him so much on taehyung.

when jimin and taehyung found out about it, they were as shocked and jimin would encourage taehyung to let jeongguk help him with his book, but the younger didn't want that, the book being a surprise for jeongguk— if he even still thinks of taehyung.

but he is, he swore it and taehyung trusts him.

he sighed, feeling jimin leaning against him, deep asleep. he grabbed his phone and his eyes lightened up, his heart jumping against his chest when he saw a new message. from 'ggukie<3'.

taehyung got up, not really caring about the passed out jimin who suddenly hit his head against the table, but still remained asleep.

the brunet opened the message, hands trembling. after not hearing from him for a week, there's finally some sign of him.

the chat opened.

we cordially invite you to the engagement ceremony of
kim byeol & jeon jeongguk

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