5. mariocart

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"nana!" taehyung called out happily, seeing his grandma wait for him in front of the school yard to pick him up from school.

"hello, baby, how was school?" ayeong greeted him back with a warm smile, the most comforting and familiar smile to taehyung.

he ran up to her and hugged her tightly, placing a soft kiss to her cheek. "school was fun," he said, internally feeling guilty for hiding that he came one hour late to his lessons and that he almost got hit by a car yesterday, but he doesn't want to worry her, since he is fine and healthy.

"how was your stay at jimin's?"

taehyung smiled sheepishly, stomach turning. "actually, would you mind if i... can stay one more night at his house? i will spend the rest of the day with you, but sleep at jimin's."

the elderly woman smiled, ruffling the boy's hair. "of course you can, did jimin's mother agree though?"

taehyung panicked internally and quickly nodded. "yes! she asked me yesterday if i wanted to come right after school, but i told her that i wanna spend the rest of the day with you, and come later."

taehyung's grandma was one of the most beautiful women on planet earth. despite her age, she lives and sees life with no ends, with no burdens. no one has ever met a person as positive thinking as jung ayeong. and even if she doesn't look as one of the youngest people out there, she pretends to be and lives like that. she was always there for taehyung when he needed her, always there when he missed his parents, though he can't even remember them. and she was the coolest person too.

always updated with the trends and newest memes.

"the weather is nice, you wanna chill in the garden?" she asked the boy, who smiled widely, finally getting the chance to take care of his plants and flowers at home.

it was 7pm by now and taehyung just arrived back at the hospital, going over to the elevator to go up to jeongguk's room. he was excited to see him again and even brought him some things, like snacks and books- though he doubts that the ravenette will even think about touching a book.

once he was up, he ran through the hall, with his backpack full of clothes swung over his shoulders and a wide smile spread on his lips.

finally reaching the door to jeongguk's room, he knocked lightly, until hearing a faint 'come in' and then entered.

jeongguk put his gaming controller to the side, once he averted his eyes to taehyung and noticed the boy smiling widely to him. "hey, buddy."

taehyung smiled, closing the door behind him and entering, plopping his bag next to jeongguk's bed. "hey, how are you? does it still hurt."

jeongguk shook his head. "i'm fine don't worry."

then, taehyung did something jeongguk didn't expect. the younger boy hugged him tightly, but still careful enough to not hurt him or give pressure to his wounds.

jeongguk smiled, wrapping his arms around the younger boy too. "thank you so much."

"you shouldn't be thanking me so much, tae. it's alright."

taehyung shook his head. "my grandma says to always show gratitude to everyone and everything. it makes life better."

jeongguk smiled, letting go of the boy. "oh is that so?"

taehyung hummed, nodding his head excitedly.

jeongguk chuckled. "then i'm thankful to you too, for staying here with me."

a soft smile played on taehyung's lips. "you saved my life, i won't leave you alone," he said, before an excited glint appeared in his eyes, as he walked to his bag, getting the things he brought with him.

"i brought a few things for you- wait are you allowed to eat?"

"not too much, but yeah i am." taehyung sighed out relieved, pulling the snacks out that he brought.

jeongguk's eyes widened at the amount and variety of them. "damn, you're the best!" he said excitedly and taehyung giggled lightly, as he put them in one of the cupboards next to jeongguk's bed and organized them a little.

"euh, and i also brought a few books!"

jeongguk's smile dropped. "reading, for real?"

taehyung glared at him. "you need to try it, it can make so much fun."

jeongguk didn't want to disappoint the younger, so he nodded, grabbing the three books and placing them on top of the cupboard, not planning on reading them anytime soon.

taehyung nodded pleased, eyes then falling to the gaming controller and then to the wii on the other side of the room, connected to a small tv.

"did your brothers come over?"

jeongguk hummed. "they also brought me things, but rather healthy food, so i'm glad you're here. thank you, again."

it didn't seem like taehyung listened to jeongguk though, eyes fixed on the screen that displayed mario cart. noticing where taehyung was looking at, jeongguk scooted a little to the side.

he took the controller and held it towards the boy. "wanna try?"

taehyung snapped out of his stare and looked back to jeongguk. "i-i don't know how to play though."

a chuckle left jeongguk's lips. "i got you there, buddy. sit down." he patted the spot next to him on the bed and taehyung smiled as he crawled to the place. jeongguk wrapped his blanket around the smaller too, and then handed him the controller, passionately explaining which symbol makes the character move in a certain way.

fascinated by that, taehyung listened with all he has, tongue between his teeth, poking out as he did exactly what jeongguk explained.

"and if you fall, just wait until that fishing rod thingy takes you back on the route. there you go," jeongguk finished proudly.

taehyung played a few rounds.

and with every round jeongguk's smile wavered even more, until it was a frown. "you really need a lot of practice."

he said, taehyung puckered his lips out to a pout. "then i have to play more often with you."

"so that means you're gonna come here more often."

taehyung turned his head to jeongguk and the older's breath hitched when he noticed the close proximity he shared to the younger boy.

"yes, i'll try to be with you as much as possible!" his boxy smile beamed when he said that. jeongguk just looked at taehyung for a moment more, before realizing what he's doing and quickly shaking his head.

"sounds good," he says, focusing his eyes back on the screen.

my last exam is this friday and after that i'm done with exams for this whole year😩 you can't believe how happy i am

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